😵‍💫Possessive Madman🤪

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Just some instances of Scratchy Man being jelly😋

Inside Shoto's room he was sat down on his bed, fingers vigorously typing on his laptop's keyboard, which filled the room with 'clickety-clacking' noises. Though it was not necessary, he always liked turning his assignments in way before the due like. Like two or so days after its given to him. Shoto liked having his time outside of UA to himself, not wasting it on pointless homework.

Just as he's about to finish up on the conclusion to his essay, his bedroom door opens and his boss/life-long best friend/boyfriend enters. This didn't surprise Shoto any; Shigaraki wasn't the type to really knock before entering, especially his answer Kurogiri's rooms. "Hey 'Mura." Todoroki hums, brows furrowing slightly as he tried to remember what he had just been about to write.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Todoroki blinks at this question he was just asked, an unfamiliar ill sensation making his stomach churn. As well as not knocking, Shigaraki wasn't the type to 'talk'. At least not the type of talking Shoto was suspecting they were about to do. Nevertheless he closes his laptop up and sets it aside, "Sure, what's up?"

Looking closer at the older man, Shoto could see that something was up with him: he was shuffling around on his feet a lot, one of his hands stuffed in his pocket while the other was fidgeting at his side. Shoto may not be good at figuring people out, but he liked to think he understood Tomorrow fairly well. I mean, they've been living around each other since they were kids, taken in by Sensei All For One and given a life together.

"You can sit here, if you want." Shoto pats the empty spot beside him on his bed, voice monotone like always but baring a honeyed element that only came about when talking to his partner.
Shigaraki huffs back, "I know that." while rubbing at his nape, going over and popping himself down on the bed.

Waiting patiently for the other to begin talking, Shoto pulls his legs close to give more room on his bed, knowing that Shigaraki didn't like bending his legs for too long. Tomura starts to speak after a few minutes of shifting around, either trying to get comfortable or if delaying the inevitable, "You know how you lent me your phone cause I broke mine?"

"Yes." the red/white haired boy nods, recalling how Kurogiri had told about how Shigaraki had gotten enraged by the Hero Killer's sudden spike in popularity despite him just attacking USJ students with a huge army of villains. It had gotten so bad that the man had flung his phone at the wall in an attempt to burn off steam.

"Well," Shigaraki's hidden hand emerges from his pocket, bringing out with it Shoto's phone, "I started looking at your photo album, and I saw you have a lot of pictures of your classmates." Pulling up said app, Shigaraki shows what he was talking about; dozens upon dozens of photos of people from his class were there. Though confused at first, Shoto's eyes widen as he remembers how these photos came to be.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you Kaminari took my phone with him on a hang out with his friends. He took a whole bunch of pictures with it."
"Why did he steal your phone?"
"He explained to me it was just a prank when I get annoyed at him."
"If some guy took those pictures as a 'prank'," Shigaraki's red eyes narrow some behind Father's fingers, "then why haven't you deleted them?"

"I did, most at least. A few of these I found funny, so I decided to keep them. Like this one." He went to show his friend a particularly funny one, but the other just turned his head away.
"I saw them all. None were funny."
"Oh.." Shoto places the phone down, feeling his gut twist again. "Did...did I do something wrong?"

"I.." Shigaraki lifts his hips to replace himself so he was sitting straighter, "it's just...yes..no? Ugh, look it's just very hard for me to explain."
"Could you try? I want to know what I did." Shigaraki takes the phone again, pulling up a photo.
"Look at these," he swipes through an array of pictures, "these guys were shirtless in all of these!"
"They were at the pool," Shoto points at the background, where the school pool could be seen, "those guys don't wear swimming shirts like we do."

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