📋The Boy🧒🏻 pt 4

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17:39 P.M....

Todoroki dropped the vegetables he had just finely chopped up into the pot, the steam rising making his face feel hot and sweaty. Rubbing away the dampness, Shoto sighs as he turns the heat back down on the stove. He looks down over his shoulder at Tenko, his porcelain face making him give an elfin smile.

"Thank you for being a good part of my day." He croaks out while ruffling jet black strands, his voice groggy from his on and off crying. Though Bakugou had kept his promise and had been giving him space, he would still make snarky remarks whenever him and Izuku crossed paths.

That was just in his nature; Katsuki was just a very confrontational person in general. But Izuku seemed to also know how to best handle Bakugou's comments: just either keep quiet and ignore him or pretend to agree.

Todoroki sighs to himself, shaking his head. "He's just...a lot to handle." Sho's voice drops into a hush as he grumbles, "Don't understand why I ever agreed to date him." Todoroki went to go back to cooking but was stopped by the abrupt yell, "THE FUCK IS THIS?!?" that made him suck in a sharp breath and draw his attention away from the stew.

Instinctively Roki hoists Tenko into his arms, hand cupping the back of his neck to hide his cold face in the inner crook of his neck. Faintly the tall young man could hear Midoriya's voice, but the words he was speaking were incomprehensible as were Katsuki's.

He had half a mind to just remain in the safe space that was the kitchen, but when he heard his name being called out for, "Shoto, get in here NOW." Shoto knew that this wasn't an option. Hurrying to the study, Todoroki comes to a standstill as he saw the words 'GET OUT' painted on the window behind the desk in what appeared to be blood.

His grip tightened, looking to Midoriya for some sort of answer. But nothing came from him, just an equally confused look. "Did you fucking write that??" Bakugou questions, pointing to the words on the glass.
Shaking his head, Todoroki manages to say, "I haven't been in here since yesterday night."
"Really now? Cause this prick gave me an answer similar to that."

"Bakugou it wasn't either of us," Midoriya says, "it was Tenko."
Bakugou gives his old classmate a look mixed between astonishment and fury, "Are you seriously blaming a doll for that???" A cackle leaves the blonde, his hand coming up to partly cover his face. "Jesus fucking Christ, I thought you were an all A student, Deku!? How many brain cells did you waste on that piece of shit excuse??"

"He's not lying, Katsuki!"
"Oh, don't tell me you're falling for this bullshit, are ya? You're smarter than that, Shoto!"
"Tenko must have done it when I left him alone during his music time," Todoroki begins to ramble, "He probably took a dead rat from the garbage and used its blood to--"

"Alright, I've had it." Bakugou growls, stomping towards the red/white haired boy, "Give me the doll."
"No!" Todoroki backs away, shielding Tenko with his body, "Stay back! Leave him alone!"
"For fuck sake Shoto, give me the damn thing!!" Snatching the younger by his arm with one hand and the doll with the other, Katsuki tears them both apart, flinging Shoto onto the floor.

Landing with a hard thud against the wooden floor boards, Shoto moans as his head throbs in pain from how he landed. Rushing over to the pretty male's side, Midoriya drops down and helps him back up. "You okay??" Izuku asks in a gentle tone, checking for any injuries.
Instead of answering him, Todoroki continues to beg, "Katsuki please, leave Tenko alone! I lied, it was me! I wrote on the window! Please don't hurt him!!"

"What's so special about this doll, eh? You seem pretty damn attached to it." Bakugou asks while practically man-handling Tenko, holding onto him by his arm while waving him around in a near taunting manner. Todoroki raced forward to rescue the doll but was held back by Midoriya, who wanted to kept him near at all costs.
"Give him back to me!"

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