❤️‍🩹Scar Appreciation😊

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I kinda got a little wonky on the title.
Anyways this has some mentions of past self harm.

I got a New Years resolution; draw more ShigaTodo. In my normal art book my dad looks at my work, so I'll have to most likely do Fem!Todoroki x Shigaraki. He's pretty homophobic which sucks cause he's an awesome man 🥲
Anyways I might post the art here, I'm just reaaaally cautious about art thieves.

Todoroki laid on the living room sofa, watching a rather graphic slasher movie while the old grandfather ticked away in the background. The ticks echoed around the room like a yell inside a cavern. And if the TV hadn't been on, the grandfather clock's noises would have been very eerie. Maybe that was why Shoto had always been so unnerved by the towering timepiece.

He let out a big yawn, he felt tired but he didn't want to go to sleep just yet. A magical alignment of Enji working late at his agency, Fuyumi spending a night with her friends from work and Natsuo being away at his college dorm had given the entire house to Shoto for today and most of tomorrow. It felt like such a waste just to sleep it all away.

Yet the absence of people's voices, besides the ones coming from the TV, left Shoto feeling rather bored. Not that he wasn't enjoying his family not being around, it was nice not being worried that another argument was going to start up every single minute he came out of his bedroom, or when his father left he'd hear Natsuo start bickering about him and Fuyumi try to shush him. As if Shoto didn't hear everything they were saying and the walls weren't as thin as they were.

Todoroki sat up off the sofa, re-adjusting the tightness of his half bunned hairstyle. He stretched out his back, letting out another yawn. Bored bored bored. Out of the blue, Todo's phone made a dinging noise; he had received a text. Picking up his phone, he looked at the screen to see who had texted him so late at night.

Tomura❤️: Are you home alone?

Shoto❤️‍🔥: Yes, why?

Todoroki watched his phone for the next text, but was confused when he was left on read. Tilting his head, the pretty eyed boy let out a curious hum, "Wonder what that was about.." He settled his phone back down on the coffee table, where it was least likely to disappear between the couch cushions. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the movie, which he was guessing was almost over since the two main characters were about to join forces once again.

Out of nowhere the door bell ringed throughout the house, making Todoroki jump up from the couch and nearly out of his skin. Making a thick spear with his ice, Todoroki slowly made his way toward the front door, his body stiff like a bolder as he edged closer. ' Who the hell is at the door?? ' Todoroki pondered to himself as he peeked through the peep-hole in the door.

On the other side stood a very familiar lanky male with shaggy grayish-blue hair and wore dark clothing. The peppermint haired male sighed in relief, his body growing much less tense. Unlocking and opening the door, Todoroki's face turned into a shocked one as he saw his boyfriend was covered in blood. His hair, face, hands and clothes were covered in the stuff, along with particles of dust. The pitch blackness of the night outside gave the villain an eerie aura, his bold red eyes locking onto the shorter boy's gray and turquoise ones.

"I want to take a bath." Shigaraki requested, his voice raspy as always but it has an unusual calmness to it that only showed up when talking to his Shoto.
"I bet you do," Todoroki replied, nodding towards Shigaraki's clothing before grabbing onto his sleeve, "come on inside, I'll show you where the bathroom is." Todoroki pulled Shigaraki inside his house, closing and double locking the door behind them.

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