📖Reading You❤️‍🔥

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April 4th marked the day of Shigaraki Tomura's birth and out of his 21 year's of living this year he finally had people he wanted to celebrate it with. This year also marked the first year Tomura actually genuinely enjoyed his birthday.

From what he could remember of his biological family, they did celebrate everyone's birthdays and they were always fun. But Tomura had never gotten what he wanted since most of what he had his eyes on were All Might related things.

But ever since being saved by All For One, Tomura's birthday would only consist of Kurogiri giving him a couple presents and a cupcake as a way of celebration.

Today, he was woken bright and early by Toga, brought downstairs for breakfast, then Spinner, Twice, Dabi and Hawks took him to a movie he had been wanting to see since the commercials for it came out. Next he was taken to the newest game store in town that had all the most popular games, merch, consoles, etc.

After that they came back to the dorms, where the place had been done up by Toga, Shoto, Kurogiri and Compress. Balloons, streamers, party favors and even those tiny paper plates that could barely hold a sandwich. Classic birthday party material. They had even baked a cake--albeit a very messy looking one--and there was a whole mountain of presents.

Although he had gotten a lot--games, clothes, snacks, candies, tiny figurines, planning book, mangas--Shigaraki had to say his favorite gift came from Shoto; a homemade picture frame with a photo from when they all had went to the beach on Bonding Day.

It wasnt the prettiest gift he had gotten that day, nor was it something he could use daily. But whenever Tomura looked at the picture, not to mention the decorated frame, his body was flooded by a feeling filled by euphoria and serotonin and a smile would stretch across his face.

It was nearing midnight, everyone else had most likely gone to sleep by now. But since the two lovebirds were night owls, Tomura and Shoto refused to sleep just yet. They hadn't really spent much of today together, since Shigaraki had been dragged off so that the base could be decorated and Shoto stayed to help.

Shigaraki's head was between Todoroki's legs, smooth toned thighs laid over the villain boss's broad shoulders and squishing his scarred face. Todoroki had also taken to playing with the grayish-blue locks on the top of his boyfriend's head. A smile was consistent on Shigaraki's usually cold face, how could he not when today was such a good one?

Once the TV show had cut to a commercial break, Todoroki took the chance and spoke, "Did you enjoy your birthday?" Shigaraki hums softly, turning his head enough to plant a kiss on his lover's thigh.
"Yeah, it was one of the bests." Shigaraki admitted, "But don't tell the others I said that."

Todoroki smiled before it fell after a few seconds. "I know you got a lot of stuff today, but I don't recall you ever telling anyone what you really wanted for your birthday." Todoroki informed, running gentle fingers up through Shigaraki's hair before carefully pulling them back.

Thinking for a little while, Shiggy's attention was caught by the scarring on Todoroki's thighs and what he could see of his legs. He had noticed from the few times he caught glimpses of them that there were carved words on Todoroki's skin. They were mainly on his front where he could have most easily reached, and Tomura had made it a point to one day read each word he could find on his boyfriend's body.

Flipping around onto his stomach, Shigaraki looks up at Todoroki, "I want to read you."
Furrowing his brows, Todo tilts his head in confusion, "What do you mean? I'm not a book." Shigaraki chuckles softly at this comment, finding it funny despite knowing Shoto was being serious.

"I'm talking about the words on your skin, I want to read them all." Shigaraki explained, hand cupping Todoroki's left thigh and rubbing a scar there with his thumb. Turquoise and gray eyes widened, showing hesitation and slight embarrassment.
"It's okay if you don't want me too, I won't force you." Shigaraki explained, trying to ease the tension his request had caused.

"It's fine," Shoto mumbled, shifting to sit up straighter so it would be easier for him to remove his shirt, "if that's what you want, then you can read them." Also sitting up, Shigaraki waited patiently for Todoroki to take off his shirt, once it was he took ahold of his left hand.

Kissing the pockmarks on the back of Shoto's hand, Tomura flipped it over to show identical marking on his palm, kissing those as well. Shoto's body shuddered at the gentleness, for some reasons having his body being worshipped like this left him feeling so exposed and vulnerable. He couldn't understand why.

Shigaraki kissed from his soulmate's wrist up to his bicep. He reached the first word and read in a hushful tone, "Hollow." Shoto's breath hitched and he rolled his neck so that he wasn't facing the older man. Continuing on his way, Shigaraki got to another word just underneath Shoto's right collarbone, "Scary."

Under his left pec, "Mindless." The center of his stomach, "Scared." With each word that was spoken, lips met the raised scars. Shoto felt like he was being read like a prayer. It felt...purifying. His hands trembled and twitched, settling in Shigaraki's hair as a means to relax them.

"You're so fucking beautiful Shoto," Tomura voices before continuing, "Hide. Dying. Mercy. Filthy." Shoto made a soft noise, his body trembling as his boyfriend continued down his thighs and legs. "Blind eye. Pain." By the time Tomura reached his right foot, a single teardrop ran down Todoroki's cheek.

The boss of the LOV whispered the last word "Mendacious." then he moved back up, cupping the male's angelic face.
Embarrassment is written all over Todoroki's face as he wipes off the tear from his face, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I reacted like that."
"It's okay, don't apologize." Shigaraki reassures his lover, curling part of his white hair behind his ear.

Holding the right side if Tomura's head, Shoto turned it so he could plant tiny pecks on his cheek. "Thanks for living another year, I love you."
"Love you too, little peppermint."

This sucks as a birthday chapter, but it is just the only thing that came to mind 😅

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