😪Sleepy Kisses😘

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Todoroki made sure that he was as being extra silent as he crept into the nearly pitch black room. His body ached badly from all of the stunts he was forced to pull today during training. Todoroki went over and knelt down to his bottom dresser drawer, sliding open the drawer as slowly as possible so it didn't make a single sound.

Taking out whatever baggy clothes he could find, not caring if they were his or not, Shoto undressed and changed out of his uniform as slowly as possible. He couldn't make any loud noises whatsoever. After some time, Todo finally managed to get himself dressed. Shoto then made his way over to the bed that looked as if it was made of shadows.

If he squinted his eyes, he could just barely making out the sleeping form of his boyfriend, who was underneath the many covers. Much of the blankets were pulled towards Shigaraki himself. Shoto didn't mind this, however, his quirk could give him warmth.

Shoto settled on the bed, laying on his side, facing the other male. He could tell that his boyfriend's back was facing him. Todoroki sighed softly, at least he was asleep. Everytime Todoroki would come back from a mission at UA, the Villain was always staying up late, waiting for him to return. Maybe it was to make sure he returned back safely, or because he liked to fight sleep. Which ever it was, Todoroki was glad that Shigaraki wasn't awake.

Todoroki felt his entire body tense up, hearing Shigaraki hum his body shifting a bit to lay on his back. Todoroki held his breath, worried he had woken the older male up. But after a few moments, Todoroki exhaled in relief. ' Too close.. ' Todoroki scolded himself, closing his eyes. He should really get some sleep. Todoroki flopped over on his back, intertwining his fingers with each other.

All of a sudden, Shigaraki turned over, his arm dropping down across Shoto's chest. Todoroki let out a huff, having not expected something like that to happen. Todoroki remained still, waiting for a few seconds before concluding that it had just been Shigaraki moving around in his sleep.

Todoroki didn't move Shigaraki's arm, once again out of fear for waking him, and he also was too tired to do so. Todoroki sighed softly through his nose, mumbling out something incoherent that even his own mind didn't know what he had said.

A few minutes passed, Todoroki was beginning to drift off. But he was quickly awoken by heavy pressure flopping down on top of him. Todoroki coughed out in surprise, but realized it was Shigaraki again. Okay, this time he had to move him. Shoto just couldn't sleep like this. Todoroki pushed the older male up as much as he could, which was barely anything.

Now, Shigaraki wasn't heavy and Todoroki had lifted him up many times before. But his muscles too strained from everything he went through today to do much of anything. "C-come on Tomura, give me a break." Todoroki hissed at the pain in his limbs. Just then, they gave out and the two fell back down on the bed.

Todoroki groaned, cupping Shigaraki's face in his hands, lifting it up off his chest. "Hey, wake up for a second." Todoroki lightly shook the older male's head, with no success. Todoroki pursed his lips, shaking his boyfriend's head a bit more. Nothing.

Shoto's eyes became locked onto what he could make out of Tomura's lips. Todoroki felt his heart pick up speed, just a little bit. ' Just..just a quick kiss..' Todo told himself, leaning up just enough to press his plush lips against Shigaraki's own. But once he pulled back, the peppermint haired male couldn't help himself but to do it again.

Todoroki felt as if his heart fluttered inside his chest as he felt Shigaraki's lips part, his tongue snaking its way into the younger's mouth. He could feel Shigaraki's arms slip underneath him, pulling him up closer. Todoroki's arms wrapped around Shigaraki's neck, moaning softly into the kiss before sucking gently on Shigaraki's tongue.

Shigaraki's let out his own quiet moan, pulling away from the kiss, both of them panting like dogs. Todoroki looked into Shigaraki's red eyes, before realization washed over him. "Where you awake all this time??" Todoroki questioned, and Shigaraki's snorted, falling onto Todoroki's should as he began laughing hysterically.

"Oh my fucking..." Todoroki rolled his eyes and closed them, groaning in annoyance, "so I was being all quiet for nothing! I should kick your ass!"
Shigaraki giggled like a little bitch, "I'm sorry."
"Whatever," Shoto huffed, blushing out of embarrassment, "perv."

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