🍺Drunk Travel 🗺️

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Shigaraki's head was was tilted down do his left temple laid on his left arm, his right hand gripping on the handle of a beer glass. His other hand was scrolling through his picture albums, looking at the pictures he took, or Shoto took, on their date nights. Shigaraki wasn't good at remembering to take pictures, so much of them were sent by Todoroki, who is a bit better at remembering his phone's camera. But that's besides the point.

The two hadn't had an actual date night in what felt like forever, and Shigaraki wanted one of those nights again. Plus it felt like they barely even had time as a couple anymore, since their lives seemed to get so hectic.

Kurogiri looked at Shigaraki with worry, wishing Shigaraki wouldn't solve his emotional issues with booze. "Don't feel down Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri tried to ease the drunken male's problems, "it's only a few more months until young Todoroki is out of school for summer break."

"Few months is ta long.." Tomura groaned in a muffled slur, tipping the glass to his lips to gulp down what remained before allowing his fifth finger to touch the glass, disintegrating it.

Ever since those damned dorms were created, it became harder and harder for Shigaraki and Todoroki to find time together for just themselves. And sure, having the other league members could be entertaining at times, but it wasn't the type of companionship that Tomura wanted right now.

Shigaraki suddenly stood up clumsily, nearly falling over but he caught himself. He tugged his hood over his head, starting to walk towards the front door. "Where are you going??" Kurogiri quickly went after Shigaraki.
"Goin ta see Sho." Shigaraki replied, reaching for the door knob, but was snatched by the wrist by his caretaker.
"Not in the state you are in. You can barely stand!"
"Then openna tha portal for me!" Shigaraki retorted, snarling.

Kurogiri sighed, muttering to himself, "I hope you aren't too busy, Todoroki." as he opened the portal into Shoto's dorm room.
Todoroki wasn't busy, actually. He had just finished showering and was tying his gray sweat pants strings together for a tighter fit. He quickly saw the portal, and before he could say anything, Shigaraki came into the room. Well, more like tripped on air and fell on his face.

Todoroki was about to gasp out Tomura's name, but quickly clasped his hands over his mouth. He couldn't let anyone else into the room. Racing over to his door, Todoroki locked it before rushing to his boyfriend, who was rolled over onto his back. "Tomura!" Todoroki knelt down, cupping the older male's flushed face in his hands.

"Shootooo!! Hi~" Shigaraki spoke in an almost sing-songy tone, which was very unlike him. Plus the smell of alcohol also quickly made Todoroki realize that the man in front of him was drunk. "Hey," Shigaraki's face switched into a bit of a confused one, "when did'jya get four heads??" Shigaraki chuckle, his happier look from just a few seconds ago returning to him, "I wanna kiss em!" Todoroki could help but smile and giggle at this.

He pulled Shigaraki up to his chest, hugging him close there. "Hahahaha!" Shigaraki began laughing, "I'm sooooo drinky! That's funny!! Hahaha!!!"
"Shh," Todoroki shushed softly, knowing Shigaraki was beginning to get too loud.
"Shhh~!" Shigaraki mimicked, even holding a finger up to his lips as his eyes narrowed in amusement.

Suddenly, there was a knock at Todoroki's door, and he instantly hugged his boyfriend's face to his chest, silencing any words or noises he would most definitely make. "Y-yeah??" Todoroki called out.
"I heard a thud then laughter," Came Iida's voice from the other side of the door, "is everything alright?"
"Yes! Yes, absolutely! We'r--I am all good here!! I just tripped on nothing and found it really funny! Hahaha, so clumsy! Clumsy me!"

"Well," Iida's tone was very unsure, Todoroki usually didn't talk like this, "I'd better come in to make sure everything is 100% okay."
"NO! I mean--uh, I'm v-very nude right now, so..uh..don't come in!"
"If you say so, but did remember that others are trying to sleep! Good night, my friend!"

Shigaraki shifted his head in Todoroki's hold, grinning, "Smooth."
"Shut up. I'm texting Kurogiri so I can get you to your room." Todoroki pulled out his phone, quickly going into Kurogiri's contact. Sending the text, the portal re-opened quickly. Todoroki helped up Shigaraki to the other side of the portal, going straight to the older's room.

Tomura was laid down in his bed, but he quickly latched back onto Shoto. "Tomura, I have to go back!" Shoto argued, trying to pry himself out of Shigaraki's hold and to lay him back down.
"Noo!! Stay!" Shigaraki shook his head, whining like a child. Todoroki sighed, guess he had to stay now, didn't he? Todoroki settled down beside his boyfriend, who hugged him tightly, already beginning to feel tired.

"Your a handful sometimes, you know that?" Todoroki inquired, but he couldn't help but to smile.

(If you got the earlier reference,
marry me💍)

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