😡Let it Out😭

638 21 3

Requested by: No one : )

Word count: 1,685

Type of story: Angst with a smidge of fluff and smutt

Basic Summary: Shigaraki can't handle the defeat from his attack at USJ, but luckily Shoto is there to help

Warning(s): mental breakdowns, unintentional physical hurting, cuddling in the nude


Shoto had expected the hideout to be trashed when he arrived, this being due to the failed attack at USJ. But when he walked inside and found the inevitable rampage still in progress, the red/white haired boy couldn't help to be a little perturbed.

Most of Shigaraki's tantrums--he liked calling them episodes, but this term was also accurate--only lasted a few minutes before he'd sulk off to his bedroom to cool down. The mission took place four hours ago. So, had this been going on ever since or had Tomura's rage been boiling and boiling up until just now? "

By the state of the place it has been going on for some time; a few of the bar chairs were now piles of dust on the floor while one was completely ripped out of the floor and laying near a dented wall, the TV screen was cracked, one of the shelves on the wall broken on one side and dangling from the other with a slight sway. Smashed bottles and what was presumably liquor by the smell were all strewn across the floor.

Kurogiri was nowhere in sight, probably in the back calling Giran for replacements to all Shigaraki has destroyed. It was possible he could also just be waiting for the future symbol of fear to tire himself out as well. Father had been put on top of the bar, unharmed it looked like and just viewing the chaos.

Shoto sets his bookbag down on the ground next to the front door, removing his blazer and dropping it on top. He patiently stood there watching as Shigaraki smashed a wooden chair against the floor, shattering it into pieces before decaying the two legs he held in either hand.

He stomped angrily on the torn up All Might poster before finally just standing there while violently digging at his neck. There was nothing left to destroy. Muttering could be heard but not understood, Shoto's head tilting as he continued to watch.

As if sensing the new eyes on him, Shigaraki's scratching slowed and eventually ceased, head slowly turning to look behind him. Upon seeing Shoto there, his heart dipped into his stomach; though he has seen him like this before, Tomura still did not like Shoto being a witness to his anger.

Shoto calmly began approaching but his legs automatically stopped when the other man spun around and took a step back. "I.." he didn't know what to do or say, he was still just so angry. It was eating away at him like a flesh eating virus, killing him from the inside out. But he had no way to stop it.

Shoto then lifts up and opens his arms, an invitation that the older was allowed to take or deny. In that moment it felt like the world was crashing down on top of Shigaraki's shoulders, making his body feel so heavy and hurt. His throat was tight and the back of his eyes stung, heart feeling like it was a crumpled up piece of paper.

He falls into Shoto's arms, rage pouring out from his red orbs and mouth in the forms of tears and sobs. Being able to tell by the trembling that Shigaraki's legs were not working right, Shoto carefully takes them down onto the floor, sitting on his knees while letting Shigaraki cry into his shoulder.

The fire/ice user pets his grayish-blue hair and rubs his back, soft shushes oozing from his lips like a siren call, beckoning his partner to calm down. Lanky arms curl around his waist, hugging almost too tight but Shoto didn't dare to comment. "It's not fair.." Shigaraki hiccups, teeth tightening, "It's not FAIR!!"

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