🤕 Tuckered Out😴

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Himiko sprawled her body out across the arm of the couch, part of her upper body dangling upside down. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in a tick-toking rhythm, similar to a clock. "Hey Tomura-Kun?" she called out, looking over to the older man who was in the recliner, reading today's newspaper.

When she didn't receive an answer, she pouted I'm annoyance and slipped off the love seat.
Going over to her boss, Toga kicked at the level on the chair's side, causing it to flip back and kick out the leg rests. Shigaraki growled in annoyance, snapping in a violent tone, "What is it, blood sucker??!" as he pushed the leg rest back in.

"When do you think Shoto-Kun is going to get here?" Toga asks, plopping down onto the floor with her legs crossed.
"Don't know," the decaying man replied, straightening out the newspaper from where he had crumbled it during his outburst, "soon hopefully."

"It's taking him longer than usual," Toga begins to ramble, "I'm a little worried about him. He's usually here within twenty or so minutes after school let's out. Sometimes even earlier! It's not like Shoto to be late."

The golden eyed girl smiles as she looks back at Shigaraki, who had turned his attention back to the 'Breaking News' article, "I'm so envious of your laidback-ness, Handy-Man! I would've thought by now you'd be in hysterics!"

Shigaraki once again doesn't answer to this. On the outside he may be calm, but on the inside his heart was running a marathon and his brain was running a-mile-a-minute. It was taking much longer than normal for his Shoto to return, just as Toga had said. Something that Todoroki always said--shockingly master has said it a couple times before--was that late people were useless people.

And what made it even more worrisome for the villain was that he had heard his boyfriend muttering to himself while getting ready this morning, saying something about him and a few of his classmates fighting All Might for a training exercise today. From what his lackey told him from what he had seen of Midoriya and Bakugou's fight with the Pro menace, Shigaraki was pretty much terrified of what happened with Shoto.

What if All Might didn't hold back at all? What if he just beat Todoroki senseless?? What if he hurt him so bad they had to send him to the hospital??? Each passing minute that his partner didn't come through the front door made Shigaraki's anxiety go further and further through the roof. His entire body felt on-edge, shifting around in the recliner frequently as if it would help settle his nerves.

After what felt like another eternity--six minutes--the front door opened and Todoroki stumbled inside. Toga lets out a delighted gasp, "Shoto!!" as she leaps forward and crashes into him. Though an attempt was made, Todoroki's return on Himiko's embrace was half-hearted, feeling much too dizzy and weak to do much more. He needed sleep.

"You okay??" Toga asks as Todoroki begins to move away, aiming towards the hall.
However, he refrained from moving any further when the raspy voice of his boss arose, "Hold it." Todoroki slowly turned his head to face Shigaraki, staggering around the spot he stood and his head bobbing.

Tossing the paper aside into the roaring fireplace, Shigaraki gestures with to crooked fingers for the younger to come closer. Obeying, Todoroki moved forward carefully; he felt that at any moment he'd pass out flat on the floor. When within reach, Shigaraki went forward and snatched up the well-dressed teen, pulling him down to sit in his lap.

Shoto winced slightly as the bruise on his right bicep brushed against Shigaraki's chest, but his face muscles relaxed back into a blank look when the pain ceased enough to where it didn't bother him. "What happened?" Came the line that had become synonymous to Shoto's arrival back home.
"Training." Shoto answered, "Fought All Might."

"How bad are you hurt?" Shigaraki questioned, shifting his lover's body so that he was laying up against him more. For added measure he nudged Roki's head to lay in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
"Not bad."

"You sure? You look like you've got a concussion, babes." Toga budded into, walking over and kicking the chair lever again so the leg rest shot out, this allowed Tomura to further lean back into the recliner, making it comfier for both him and Todo.

Shoto's eyes briefly closed, "He aimed for my face, but got my shoulder instead. But I still went crashing into a wall. Recovery Girl healed me best she could, but I still have some bruises and a really bad migraine."

Shigaraki hums, partly glad that Shoto wasn't hurt nearly as bad as he imagined, and partly angry that All Might still had the nerve to go full-on when fighting teenagers. Toga skips out of the room--no one asks where she is going--and Shigaraki tilts his head to rest on Todoroki's. "Tired?"
Todoroki nods, "Mm.."
"Go ahead and sleep then. You need it."

Almost instantly Shoto was out, breathing taking on a relaxed, controlled pattern. Tomura ran his fingers gingerly up through his lover's soft hair, relishing in the giddiness he got from how Shoto so easily trusts him enough to allow the older to cradle him as he sleeps. And he sleeps so soundly too; like a precious little baby.

Behind his Father's disembodied hand, Shigaraki smiles as tensions lessons from his body. He was so happy to have Shoto back in his arms, right where he belonged. For a moment Shigaraki could almost feel himself drifting off too, that was until a brash voice came and ruined the tranquility,"You both have rooms for a reason."

Looking back to the hallway entrance, Shigaraki's eyes narrow at the one and only Dabi who stood there. "Fuck off." The leader of the villain group hissed in a noticeably quieter tone than what was his usual; despite Shoto sleeping like a rock, Tomura still didn't want to risk disturbing him.

"This is a living room, for..well you know, living people."
"I said fuck off, he's sleeping."
"Please, not like the kid hasn't slept through noisier shit than me just talking."
"I'm not fully asleep yet," Shoto groggily spoke, eyes still shut and not having moved an inch, "but you two talking isn't helping."

Both men blinked and stared at Shoto, shocked by him suddenly speaking. Dabi rolled his eyes a bit, puffing his cheeks as he mumbled out, "Fucking weird kid.." as he turned and went back down the hall.

Shigaraki own eyes close, softly chucking to himself as he lightly shook his head. "God I love you." He sighs, hugging Shoto closer to further prove his point. Instead of words Shigaraki got, "Mm." in response, but he knew that his boyfriend was saying 'I love you' back.

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