🤫Secret Relationship👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻

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@a_witty_reply Thank you very much for your suggestions!!

(A few weeks earlier)

Todoroki's body ached, he wished this fight would end already. He hated having to put on this hero act, and he had been doing it for so long, that it made him physically ill to go to classes each day. To be kind and friendly with his classmates and those Pro Heroes. It was so disgusting how everyone was so nice to 1-A while they thought to themselves how much they'd love to beat them into the ground.

Todoroki could tell that the fight would end soon, both sides were growing too tired and too many people from either side were of commission. Todoroki glanced over his shoulder, jus in time to see Kirishima slamming into a already badly damaged building. Todoroki's eyes locked onto the familiar figure of Shigaraki Tomura, his boss and...close--very close friend..yeaahh...

Nah they dating ✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿

Around where Shigaraki was standing atop the building crumbled away, causing the villain to fall to the dangerously far ground below. ' SHIIITTT!!!! ' Shoto screamed inside his head, quickly shooting out ice that built itself up, it's tip wide, flat, and concave like a spoon. Shigaraki landed into the concave space, and though the landing wasn't as soft as one would have liked it to have been, but Shigaraki was safer than he would have been without Todoroki's help.

Shigaraki recognized the ice and his ruby red eyes shot towards the male in question. ' You dumbass, what about your cover?? ' Shigaraki thought to himself as he jumped off the ice and quickly signaled for a retreat. Bakugou, who had noticed this sudden act, glared over at Todoroki, stomping over to him in an enraged huff.

' If this Pomeranian looking bitch says a damn thing I'm going to smack him. ' Todoroki's thoughts were already laced with annoyance as he saw Bakugou coming toward him.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!!" Bakugou shouted at Todoroki at the too of his lungs, a vein pulsing in his temple. Todoroki's hands twitched, both wanting to choke Bakugou out until he was passed out.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Todoroki responded in a monotone voice, expression blank as a freshly printed piece of white paper.
"OH YOU SO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU HALF N' HALF BASTARD!!!" Bakugou grabbed at Todoroki's Hero suit collar, yanking him uncomfortably close.

"Stop it you two! We need to get back to the dorms and patch up!" Sero pushed the two teens apart, already tired of their bullshit.

At the dorms, everyone was patched up with bandages or stitches from their wounds during the battle. "God, it feels like everytime we fight those guys that they get stronger and stronger!" Kaminari complained, holding an ice pack to his head.
"I wanna know how they always manage to find us!" Kirishima inquired, before turning his head towards Bakugou, "Don't you wanna know that, Bakubro?"

Bakugou, who was the only one standing and not sitting down, either at the tables or couches, scoffed at the question. "What I wanna know," Bakugou's intense gaze turned to Todoroki, "is why Icy-Hot saved Shigaraki's ass from that fall." Todoroki, who was busy helping Tsuyu bandage her arm, ignored Bakugou's question. Tsu seemed a bit worried, looking at her partner in crime with concern.

"HEY!! I asked you a question, now ANSWER!!" Bakugou demanded, explosions going off in his palms. Tsuyu squeezed Todoroki's hand, and the peppermint haired male gave a comforting squeeze back.
"I'm becoming a Hero, Bakugou." Todoroki replied duly, nearly having the urge to gag at that sentence.
"Uh, duh! That's what all of us are here to do! What's so special about that for you??"

Todoroki's eyes, shadowed and filled with malice, turned to Bakugou, staring dead straight into his own red eyes, "It means that I save people, not watch them die."

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