7️⃣Seven Minutes in Heaven🌁

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Lol I'm stupid

Also bicchh it's my birthday 🎂

Tonight was bonding night, and as always, it was Toga who was putting together the activities. Usually, they would play board games, like Monopoly (which was only played once), Scrabble, Candy Land, Connect Four, etc. Other times they would play games you would find at parties or sleep overs. Such as Cards Against Humanity, Would you Rather, Musical Chairs, Duck Duck Goose, hide and seek, upon many more. And sometimes they'd do summoning challenges, like Charlie Charlie, Bloody Mary, and so on and so forth.

Well tonight was not one of those nights.

Like at all.

Not just because tonight the UA Traitor Todoroki Shoto was there, but because tonugyhs game was much more...risqúe than any other bonding night the League has had.
Shigaraki, Todoroki, Twice, Spinner, Compress, and Hawks all sat on the floor in a circle, Toga standing behind Twice and holding Compress's hat. "Tonight," Toga announced, going around the circle in a continuous walk, "we will be playing Seven Minutes in Heaven!"
"WHAT??!!" All of the men, besides Hawks and Todoroki, shouted out in outrage.

Hawks seemed pretty chill about the situation, "Y'all need to relax. It's not the worst game in the world."
"Says you!!" Shigaraki snapped at the Pro-Hero, still annoyed that he was there.
"Um, what is Seven Minutes in Heaven?" Todoroki asked, a bit confused as to why everyone seemed to be so upset over a game.
Before anyone could stop him, Hawks began to explain the game to the younger male, "Seven minutes in Heaven is a game where two people are selected, put into a closet, and they can do whatever they want for seven minutes. Most of the time people do some, hehe, risque things. "

"What do you mean by risque?" Todoroki asked. This time, before Hawks could answer, Dabi slapped his hand over the bird-man's mouth.
Toga regained her spotlight, beginning to explain the rules, "The rules for this game are simple. No phones while in the closet, two people spend seven minutes in a closet and will be let out after seven minutes, and the lights in the closet will be turned off. While two people are in the closet, everyone else will be over there," Toga pointed over near the TV, where a much of cards were, "and play Cards Against Humanity.

Toga held out Mr. Compress's hat, "Now, everyone put something in the hat!" Though every one seemed reluctant, very reluctant, they put something into the hat. Toga put a vile of blood into the hat, Compress put in a marble, Twice put in a pack of cigarettes, Dabi ripped off a piece of his jacket and out it into the hat, and Hawks put in a feather.
"Hell no." Shigaraki crossed his arms once the hat got to him, refusing to put anything into the hat.
Toga suddenly snatched off one of Shigaraki's gloves, shoving it into the hat. "HEY!! I need that to touch things, you jerk!!!" Shigaraki snapped.

"Put something in, Shoto-Kun!" Toga held out the hat, smiling innocently.
Todoroki felt around him, trying to find something small. He decided to put his tie from his UA uniform into the hat, so he quickly undid his tie and placed it into the hat. Toga went over to a bowl filled with tiny slips of paper and reached into it. Shuffling around a bit, she pulled out a single slip of paper. She opened the slip, and read; "Shoto!"
"Hmm?" Todoroki had gotten distracted for a split moment, lost in his own thoughts, and didn't see Toga pulling out the slip of paper.

"You get to pick something out of the hat!" Toga went ove, taking out her handkerchief, and tieing it around Todoroki's eyes. She held out the hat, "Pick something from the hat!" Todoroki reached into the hat, feeling around for something. He grasped something and pulled it out, and he heard many gasps.
"No fucking way," Dabi's voice arose, sounding very displeased, "choose something else, anything else!!"
"No backsies Dabi! You can take that off now, Shoto-Kun."

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