👏Necessary PDA🥰

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"Thanks again for letting us go to the mall today, Tomura-Kun!" Toga said to her boss with a big smile on her face which added onto the noticeable joyous skip to her step.
"I'm only doing this because you wouldn't shut up.." Shigaraki muttered lowly under his breath, keeping his head down low and hands inside the pockets of his black hoodie.
"I don't understand why you would openly want to go to a place like this, Himiko-chan." Shoto mutters, face cringing as he looked around at all the people."

"Let's go in there next! It looks like they have tons of cute stuff!" Toga urged, tugging both men along with her into the small store.
"Ugh, great. Another nick-nack store." Shigaraki groaned, top lip twitching.
"She's on a limited budget," Shoto reminds, staring down blankly at a snow globe, "we won't be here much longer." Shigaraki huffs; he wanted to leave now, being around these people annoyed him to no end.

Toga zipped and zoomed around the store, looking at whatever caught her interest. Which apparently was nearly every little thing in the store. Shigaraki loomed around, looking here and there but mainly was just standing in one place for a few minutes, looking gloomy and like he would pounce at anyon who tried talking to him. His boyfriend on the other hand was similarly just browsing, though his monotone appearance gave off a more at ease vibe than his boss.

"Hi!" A girl said as she and a few others approached Todoroki. Instantly his social anxiety set in and Shoto felt his brain begin to automatically go into red alert. There was probably tiny red flags and sirens popping out of the gray lump of meat in his skull. What did he do this time? Was it something illegal? Did they recognize him from somewhere? Has he met them before but just doesn't remember their faces?? WHAT?? WHAT IS THIS??! WHAT IS HAPPENING???!!

"Uh...hi?" Todoroki murmured back in a calm tone despite the insanity inside his head, lowering the book he was looking at back down.
"Aren't you one of those boys from the hero course at UA?" she asked, pointing at Shoto with a gel nail topped finger.
' Pointing...' he acknowledged in his head, eye giving an unnoticeable twitch. "Yes."
The girl grins big and turns to her friends, "I told you!" before turning back to Todoroki.

In the distance Shigaraki was watching this entire thing play out while Toga was paying for her things. Normally she would've stolen the stuff--save on money--but Shoto and Tomura went with her to make sure she didn't do this and get arrested for it. The villain scratched roughly at his already abused neck, teeth gritting and ruby red eyes narrowing into rage-filled slits. Who the hell was that? And--more importantly--why was she talking to his boyfriend?!

Turning on his heels Shigaraki began stomping towards them. "So," the girl began, swaying her hips from side to side while one of her friends brushed her hair over her shoulder, "your in the hero course cause your strong, right?"
"It's my job to be in the hero course." Todoroki answered, beginning to get even more uncomfortable. Out of the blue one girl reached out and touched Shoto's bicep, squeeze the firm muscle there. She bit at her bottom lip, humming in approval.

Todoroki's throat tightened and he tore his arm away, "What are you doing??"
"Relax, I'm just getting the feel for you babes."
"Since you've got so much hero stuff to worry about," the first girl carried on, "I bet you don't have a girlfriend, right?"Shoto's brows furrow and he shuffles away slightly. Why was it always girls who hit on him??
"That's not the exact reason." Todo muttered, glancing around for an excuse to get out of this conversation. Where did Toga and Tomura go???

"Well, it just so happens that I'm looking for a boyfriend." the girl declares, "I think us and you are a perfect match!"
"Oh...uh I'm actually not--"
"Single." A raspy voice finishes, an arm wrapping around Todoroki's shoulders. Looking over, Shoto felt instant relief as he recognized Tomura's face.
"Um..what?" the girls blinked, staring at the newcomer with confusion.
"He's not single." Shigaraki stated in a firm tone, glaring daggers at the teen girl before look back to his partner, "Come on babe, Toga's done here."

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