🤰🏻Pregnant Peppermint🍥

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(There wasn't a peppermint emoji 😭)
(An idea @Villain_Todoroki_kai came up with and decided to try it. This won't affect any of the other chapters unless a part two to this is asked for. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE MALE PREGNANCY DO NOT READ)

Todoroki awoke, the ceiling seeming to be spinning around like it was a wooden top. Todoroki whined slightly, he felt I'll. His mouth was dry, yet he was salivating more than he usually would. What time was it? Looking over, Todoroki saw that it was near 12:32 P.M. He had slept in again. It was mostly because he hadn't been feeling too well these past few days, and everyone just let Todoroki be. He wasn't the type to get sick, he was the healthiest out of all the League's members. So, for him to be suddenly so sick, it was alarming. Today, Dr. Garaki was coming over to see if something serious was happening.

Beside the alarm clock was a bowl of soba, which looked like it had been mad not that long ago. There was a note beside it, and Todoroki's shaky hand grasped it and help it up to where he could read it.

Had to leave with Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner. Apparently Bird Bitch is fighting that Midoriya boy and we want to get those bullets from him. Toga and Twice should be there by the time you wake up, if not, Kurogiri is there. I won't be back until late, Doc will come with us then. I had Kurogiri make you some soba, sorry I won't be able to stay with you today. Be back soon, love you baby boy.
Love, Tomura.

Todoroki felt disappointed, today was Shigaraki's birthday! He should have taken today off from any work!! But he knew he couldn't always be around Tomura, even if he wanted to. Todoroki sat up, the bed creaking slightly. His hand gently rubbed at his stomach, it ached a lot. Nothing painful, just came with the nausea he was suffering. He looked over to the bowl, and the smell hit his nose. Normally, he loved the smell of soba, but, for some odd reason, it disgusted him. It felt like his stomach punched his brain, and his hand flew up to cover his mouth.

Todoroki had a history with vomiting.
And he knew once it started, he would stay in that spot to vomit four or five more times for a good few minutes. So, Shoto knew if he didn't get out of this bed now, he'd throw up in the bed. Todoroki tossed the blankets off of his body in a rush, getting off the bed, and running toward the bedroom door. Todoroki used his other free hand to open up the door, and ran into the hallway. Toga and Twice, who looked like they had just gotten back, noticed Todoroki as he zoomed into the bathroom and slammed the door closed behind him.

Panicking, both Toga and Twice ran to the bathroom door. The two became even more shocked and fearful as they heard Todoroki excessively vomiting. Toga looked up at Twice, who looked down at her. Once the puking noise had settled a bit, Toga knocked on the bathroom door tentively, "Shoto honey, are you okay in there?"
"No..." Todoroki spoke truthfully, before begining another vomiting cycle.
"Twice, can you go find Kurogiri and ask him to come here?"
"No way!! Sure thing!!" Twice gave thumbs down before a thumbs up, then ran to go find the portal Villain.

"Did you wake up with z sudden need to puke?" Toga asked, sitting up against the door.
Shoto panted a few times, fingers running up through his very deshoveled hair, "N-no, when u woke up I felt nauseous, but once I smelled the soba Kurogiri made for me, I nearly threw up on the bed." Toga blinked, a bit perplexed by what she heard. Could it be that....no...but he and Tomura have....
Kurogiri came up from the bar, looking worried and confused.
"What's wrong with Shoto?"
"I think I have an idea, can you teleport me to the dollar store?"
"Of course, go get your disguise on."

Toga turned to Twice, "You stay with Shoto, and once he's done vomiting his guts out, have him rinse his mouth out with water. I'll be back soon!"
"Okay! I got this! No I don't, hurry back!!" Twice responded, saluting to his blonde female friend before grabbing the sides of his head in panic.
"Don't worry, I'll help Twice with young Shoto, don't rush." Kurogiri comforted, both Twice and Toga. Toga quickly got dressed, before going through a portal the warp gate villain created for her.

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