👂Ear Biting👄

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@Myth772, here you go my friend!

Hope ya'll are a fan of bratty Shoto!!
(I know some may think after reading this it would be better if the roles were switched, but I found this funny)

( PS--I don't have a Nintendo so idk what games it can play, all I have is an old school Nintendo box that I play the very first Mario game on 🥲)

Shigaraki sat on his bed with his legs crossed and back against the head board, playing Animal Crossing on his Nintendo Switch. He wore dark gray sweat pants and a black T-shirt that had these words printed on it;
I Don't Need to Get a Life
I'm a Gamer, I Have Lots of Them.
His wolf ears and fluffy wolf tail were out on display, feeling much too comfortable and lazy to continue hiding them. Tomura could faintly hear angry muttering coming from underneath the bed, and it had been going on for the last seven and a half minutes.

' And they all call me a man-child..' Shigaraki rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself. He settled down his Switch beside him, before leaning over and peering underneath the bed. "Hello Princess, planning on coming out and socializing any time soon?" Tomura spoke in an teasing manner, a smug grin on his face. Todoroki hissed loudly like a cat, his feline ears and tail flicking aggressively. Even his head of peppermint colored hair seemed to puff up.

"Understandable, have a nice day." Shigaraki leaned back up, grabbing and beginning to play on his Nintendo Switch again.
You may be wondering why Todoroki was so pissed off.
Wanna know the reason?
Well here it is; There really isn't a reason.

Most Omega's hormoness sometimes may make them experience huge highs in emotions, huge lows, or make them very irritable. For Todoroki, it was the obvious. Shigaraki has learned to let these types of mood swings take their course. They usually don't last long.

A few more minutes pass by, and Shigaraki noticed out of the corner of his eye that Todoroki was climbing into the bed. Before he had a chance to make a sly remarked, Shigaraki felt his head being held against Todoroki's chest, the younger male's arms locked tightly around Shigaraki's neck.

Shoto's teeth clamped down on the tip of Shigaraki's exposed ear, not enough for it to hurt, but enough to where Tomura could feel the teeth. Shoto began jerking his head quickly from side to side, growling as he did so. "What are you doing, dummy?" Tomura asked, amused by the sudden action. Todoroki didn't respond, just growled louder and tugged at Shigaraki's cornflower blue colored wolf ears.

Shigaraki turned in Todoroki's hold, pushing him down so that he was in front of him and nearly laying down. "Your extra fiesty today." Shigaraki commented, about to reach out and ruffle the top of Shoto's poofy hair. Todoroki let out a spitting hiss, smacking the top of Shigaraki's head repeatedly, but the hits barely hurt at all.

"Okay, you wanna play fight? Come here!" Shigaraki scooped Todoroki up from around his waist, pulling him into his lap. He locked the younger male in place by wrapping his arms securely around Shoto's upper arms. Shigaraki nipped Todoroki's white colored ear, but not hard as to not hurt the smaller male. Shigaraki playfully tugged on Shoto's ear, snickering as he heard Todoroki start purring, but Todoroki tried to make it sound like he was growling.

Tomura turned and laid Todoroki back down, and being careful as to not touch him with all five finger, gingerly caressed Shoto's cheeks, which were chubby from baby fat. Todoroki's attempt at seeming all tough and bratty began melting away, and his eyes flutter closed and a peaceful look washed over him.
' So cute.. ' Tomura thought to himself, smiling. "You feel better now?" Shigaraki questioned.

"Yes..." Todoroki purred, letting Shigaraki lift him up and lay down with him on his chest. Shoto's purring and slight snoring eased any and all tension that Shigaraki had, and he fell asleep just as his Nintendo's batter died.

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