Alphabet-Todoroki ❤️

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It is time for smexy facts about our favorite peppermint headed bottom boi!!! ٩(ε )۶
Enjoy my little sinners!!!

・A = Aftercare (what their like afterwards)
-Usually very weak in the legs, but does his best to help Tomura if he needs anything.
-Really cuddly and sweet.

・B = Body Part (they're favorite part of their lovers body)
-Shigaraki's lips. Even though everyone trys to force Shigaraki to wear chap stick, Todoroki doesn't mind it. Shoto finds them soft. He knows Tomura doesn't like the feeling of chap stick, so he doesn't force him to wear it.
-The scars around Shigaraki's eyes. Todoroki finds them really cool, despite Tomura hating them. Shoto has also found a good cream to help with the itching.
-Shigaraki's neck. He loves to kiss Shigaraki neck and out his arms around it.

・C = Cum (anything to do with it)
-Doesn't matter as long as it's inside him.

・D = Dirty Secret (self explanatory)
-Loves to be choked by either a leash or ball gag.
-Loves wearing skirts, panties, and stalkings during it.

・E = Experience (how good)
-Like Tomura, he has only done this a few times, so it's 50/50 on experience.
-Can take Shigaraki's thrust power like a pro, and loves it.

・F = Favorite Position (top, bottom, switch, position)
-Todoroki is a total bottom, and it shocked a few of the League's members when they found out. With Todoroki's usually cold and serious attitude, he seems more like a top or even a regular switch.
But Shoto is and loves being a bottom.
-He has a few favorites sex positions, such as The Captain Position, Banana Split, Cowgirl, Lovebird, and Doggy Style.

・G = Goofy? (Goofy? Serious? What?)
-Will try to make a joke to lighten the mood.
-Will laugh at Shigaraki's off handed comments.

・H = Hard (how hard)
-Likes it hard and rough.

・I = Intamicy (how are they during the moment)
-Wants to be constantly touching Shigaraki at all times. Touch started mother--
-Always makes sure Tomura is comfortable, even though Shoto is the one being pounded into the bed.

・J = Jack Off (masturbation moments)
-Doesn't like masturbation, and only takes care of it if it won't go away.
-Steals Tomura's hoodies for masturbation purposes.

・K = Kink (what their into)
-Biting, definitely has a biting kink.
-He's a total masochist, and likes when he gets scratches on his body.
-Praising kink. After a childhood like his, he loves being praised.

・L = Location (where do they prefer/not prefer to get it on)
-Rather prefers to do it in their room or the shower.
-If it must be any where else, there must be a loco.

・M = Motivation (what gets them on)
-Shigaraki touching him, either on his hips, V-line, chest, thighs, and sides.
-Shigaraki sending him nudes out of the blue.

・N = No (things they refuse to do)
-No lock, no cock.
-No lovey dove stuff during missions.

・O = Oral (yay or nay)
-Cock sucking son of a--

・P = Pace (fast/slow/in between)
-Usually likes taking it slow at first to savor the moment, and will want to go harder as it continues on.

・Q = Quickie (yay or nay)
-Doesn't like them, but will do it.

・R = Risk (do they like taking risks)
-Nah, not usually his thing.

・S = Stamina (how many rounds)
-4-5, but could do more or less depending on his state or how hard he was fucked.

・T = Toys (yay or nay)
-Loves them, will use if Tomura isn't around.

・U = Unfair (levels of teasing they can take)
-Doesn't like teasing Shigaraki, even if he likes hearing him beg.
-If he's really desperate, he'll hate when Tomura treases him.

・V = Volume (loud/quiet/middle)

・W = Wild Card (random facts)
-Loves to go down on Shigaraki as he is on his computer.

・X = X-Ray (size/girth)
-About 6 inches, and average girth.

・Y = Yearning (sex drive)
-If it's his family members birthday, or if he's had a very bad day, he'll refuse sexual actions.

・Z = Zzz (how fast they fall asleep)
-Depends on how hard their sex session was, but he is usually asleep after they clean up.

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