🤗Clingy Bastard😑

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Sorry this took forever!! Wanted to make it really good, though it is quite long 🥲

I got this idea from looking at this picture below;

I got this idea from looking at this picture below;

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I don't know what to say about this, comrades. It just showed up on my Pinterest.
No, I will not show you my search history.

"GET THE VIAL BACK BEFORE SHE TAKES OFF!!!" Shigaraki orders, him and the rest of his League chasing after a newbie-sidekick of the R-rated Pro Hero, Midnight. She had just taken a vile of some unknown chemical needed by the Doctor, who had kept reminding the group of misfits while preparing for this mission the extreme importance of the substance. They couldn't afford to loose it.

The sidekick squealed in fear, her legs running as fast as they could possibly carry her. However it did not seem to be enough as Shigaraki was catching up to her. Although, he seemed to possess inhuman agility, so the young woman couldn't be that slow; maybe she was, but who knows?

Since she was within grabbing distance, Shigaraki reaches out to grab on the tiny cape attached to the girl's hero costume. Noticing this, the hero acted quickly and created a strange mist from her palm, which swirled and gathered into a decently sized orb. She flung it at the man, who became blinded and overwhelmed by the mist, sending him toppling over onto the ground. It irritated his eyes for a few moments, like getting soap in them when showering. But it was combated with it's near florescent scent.

"Tomura!" Shoto gasped in alarm, quickly abandoning the mission and returning to his leader's side while the others continued after the sidekick. Shigaraki removed 'Father' from his face, rubbing at his clenched eyes' sclearas to try to nullify the burn to where he could at least open them. "Are you okay?" the young man asks, leaning down to look at the older's face, wanting to see if he had any injuries. Aside from a small cut on his cheek though, nothing appeared wrong.

Shigaraki blinked open his eyes a bit, glancing up to his lackey to respond but instead he just froze. His heart began thumping hard inside his chest as his gaze rested upon Todoroki's face; the way his brows were just slightly furrowed and tilted upwards, different colored eyes narrowed in concern and possibly slight confusion, lips plush and faintly pink, looking oh so kissable.

The soft outline of that adorable face looked to be glowing an angelic hue, making the rest of the world seem to completely blur out. But that didn't matter; the only thing that mattered right now was more than crystal clear to Tomura. "Yeah," he croons in an unusually relaxed tone of voice, "I'm just fine, babe."

Todoroki blinks in shock, Tomura never calls him pet names outside of the base, especially on missions. "We got the vial!" Spinner announces while Toga kicks the other woman in the ribcage, "Let's get the hell out of here!!"
"Come on, we have to move." Todoroki grabs Shigaraki and lifts him to his feet by his biceps,  rushing after the rest of the League as they made their grand escape.

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