😱Frightful Weather❄️

527 18 4

Requested by: my writer's block-having ass

Word count: 1,413

Type of story: winter weather, fluff with a so-so plot

Basic Summary: A sudden blizzard hits Musutafu just one day into the winter season. This leaves Shigaraki breaking his #1 rule in order not to freeze to death.

Inspiration(s): I'm not joking when I say I literally went to sleep just the other night and when u woke up my town was covered in snow and ice. Thanks Ohio, love ya.
I'm also procrastinating on the part 6 to the The Boy series in this book. So if you have suggestions, let me know via private messages or comments here.
Let It Snow by Dean Martin was also an inspiration for this.

Warning(s): PDA


It was nevermore apparent then right now that summer's warm embrace was no longer present. Autumn's comforting chill and pretty leaves had disappeared, only to be replaced by the icy claws of winter's weather. Even all the animals had seemingly vanished overnight, flying away to warmer climates or tucking in for the season.

Within a matter of six hours, the streets of Musutafu had become slick with ice and her building covered in thick sheets of white.
This year was going to see one of the coldest winters Japan has had in decades.

By no means is Shigaraki particularly fond of winter. In fact, he hated it. Then again he hated just about everything, so this shouldn't come as much of a shock. The dry air irritates his skin and he looses body heat very easily. Due to this, among other reasons that don't need to be mentioned, Shigaraki typically stayed indoors during this time of year.

Why be outside when he could be inside? The base was warm and his bedroom was his safe space, so what could going outside offer him?
Well, he may as well should have been because the base's heater decided right then to end it all.

It was just the League's luck for this to happen, especially on the day where they needed heat the most. Luckily enough for them, Kurogiri wanted no time ordering Giran to retrieve a new heater for them. However, this wouldn't happen in an instant.

Many others in the neighborhood were having a similar problem, so it would take a while before Giran returned with a new unit for the hideout. Until then, Kurogiri created a fire in the fireplace in the bar room, maintaining it whilst many of the villain's he was caring for sat nearby to soak in the flame's heat.

As said before, Shigaraki had a hard time keeping his body warm in general, so this was not making him pleased at all. He looked like a trembling skeleton sat at the bar, teeth chattering loudly just like the rest of his trecruites.

All except one, that is.
Due to his quirk being able to wield both fire and ice, the way mother nature changed the seasons never once bothered Shoto. He could change his body temperature accordingly to whatever weather was thrown his way.

There he sat on the couch next to the blow up mattress Kurogiri had set up, completely unfazed by freezing conditions the ongoing blizzard outside was subjecting his comrades. He was reading a book for his literature class at UA, so he wasn't really paying much mind to the whining coming from Toga.

"It's so c-cold!!" she stammers for the millionth time, tugging a blanket down over her shoulders. Toga had on her sweatpants and hoodie, which were both not made of the thickest cloth but they would suffice for now. Besides, this is what she got for only focusing on getting 'cute' outfits instead of practical ones.

"It's s-so cold th-that I'm shivering!" Twice says before quickly contradicting himself by throwing the blanket off his body, "N-NO WAY, IT'S HOTTER THAN HELL!! KUROGIRI, TURN UP THE HEAT!" Shaking his head, the masked man yanks the blanket back before resuming his shivering fit. You could make out his teeth chattering even with his mask still on.

Shigaraki, still suffering in silence at the bar, looks over his shoulder at the man on the couch. It was common knowledge by now that something was between him and Shoto. Even so, Tomura still very much disliked preforming any acts of affection when there was a chance of someone seeing. He found PDA itself gross; why would someone want to see a couple being all lovey-dovey with one another??

Despite this strong belief, the urge to go over and bathe in the warmth he knew his partner was giving off was great. But if he did it, he knew that blonde brat would never let him live it down.

As the minutes ticked on and the cold seeped down into his marrow, Shigaraki's instincts took over his pride, forcing him to stand up from his seat and waltz over to the loveseat. It was only his sudden presence that knocked Shoto out of his reading time, mix-matched eyes blinking before turning up at him curiously. "Hey-"

Before he got the chance to finish, Shoto was caught off guard by Shigaraki dropping down on top of him, trying to bury his face into the left side of his neck. When it didn't work out, he removed Father and placed it on the back of the couch.

"Use your fire." he rasps quietly, sounding almost embarrassed by his own request. Not bothering to argue, Shoto uses his left side to create more heat on either side, making his right feel lukewarm on the outside rather than chilly. Knowing of his boss's distaste for displaying their relationship out in the open, Shoto was confused by his sudden cuddliness.

He doesn't feel like questioning it, figuring that it was probably because he had been sitting alone at the bar for so long. Probably wanted and change of scenery or something.

Shigaraki felt like his body was completely made of ice, which was now melting in the summery warmth of his boyfriend's body heat. He could not help but curl his arms around and hug Sho closer, turning his face over so that the opposite side of his face could get some heat as well.

"Oh, so we can't cuddle during that sad moment during movie n-night, but you two can cuddle when it's fr-freezing?!" Shigaraki doesn't respond, finding himself too comfy to care.
Shoto replies absentmindedly, "You can cuddle Jin if you want to." before processing what had been said a little more. "Wait.. We are cuddling?"

Toga tilts her head at this, "What did you think that was?" and gestures with a finger at the PDA.
Looking down at Shigaraki, Shoto mutters, "I thought he wanted to move seats." Twice cackles while Himiko snickers, finding the confusion hilarious.

"Shut up," Shigaraki barks harshly, voice partly muffled by Shoto's shoulder, "you're annoying the hell out of me." The blondes cease their laughter, though their shared amused smirks don't fade as easily. They snuggly up with their blankets on the mattress, taking advantage at this momentary break in rules.

Kurogiri returns with blankets fresh out of the dryer, tossing one of them to Toga and Twice while the other he drapes over the two men on the couch. The added weight makes Tomura hum in delight.

Without warning a careful hand gently cups the exposed part of his face. As children, he used to clinch away from the other's touch on intuition. But now he basked in it every chance he got, snuggling closer into the younger's caressing like a neglected puppy.

"Giran will arrive within the hour." Kurogiri informs as he tends to the fire. Shigaraki gives a wordless grunt in reply.
Toga teases, "Handy-Man is such a sucker for Shoto-Kun."
"Go to hell."
"Don't be rude, Shigaraki Tomura."

Before his life-long friend could retort, Shoto distracts him by swiftly curling a leg around his and running his fingers up through his nape. He wants to kiss along his scars badly, but restrains himself to keep from embarrassing his lover further. "M'tired." he murmurs, nuzzling his temple into the soft cushioning in the couch's back.

Shigaraki makes a noise of agreement, parroting the action but instead with Shoto's collarbone. The two drift off to the sounds of soft chatter, crackling fire and whistling winds, bathed in warmth and one another's comfort.

Merry Christler ❄️

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