🐇Rabbit Ears👂

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Based on you're request 😙🤟
Also what do you all think Shigaraki's favorite animal is? I think it's rabbits or some type of reptile. Maybe dogs.

Shigaraki glanced down at his phone, checking the time. "Their taking way too long.." He commented in an annoyed grumble.
"They've only been out for about an hour," Toga pointed out, brushing out the knots in her blonde head of hair, "you've got to be more patient Tomura!" Shigaraki folded his arms across his chest, clicking his tongue against the room of his mouth as he rolled his red eyes.

The brush got caught in a particularly stubborn knot, making Toga yelped out in pain when it finally went through. "Can you not do that in here??" Shigaraki snapped at the girl, be coming aggravated by her.
Toga tilted her head, smirking playfully and she leaned her elbows on her knees, "I know you're worried about you're hubby Tomura, but you can't let it get to you're nerves."

' Hard to do that when he's the only thing keeping my nerves under control..' Shigaraki admitted to himself as he spun back around in his chair so that his back faced Toga. About an hour ago, Kurogiri had sent Shoto and Dabi out on a quick shopping trip for some food. Since the list was fairly short, they said they'd be back within a half hour.

It's been over that and Shigaraki is getting antsy.

"They probably got into a little bickering that's taking up time," Spinner suggested, checking the edge on his blade, "I'm sure they'll be back any min-"
Just as Spinner was about to finish his sentence the door bursts open. Shoto marched inside quickly, his hood scrunched up to show only his grumpy face.
"Sorry we're late boss," Dabi apologized with a big grin on his face, bags of groceries on his arms, "Shoto had an accident. He's a clumsy bitch!"

Shoto gave out a fake laugh as he rolled his eyes, "Ha ha ha ha, you're such a comedy genius."
"Wait up, hey I'm sorry. Seriously I don't want you mad at me. Certainly don't want you to-" Dabi let out a snicker, "jump me!" Dabi broke down in hysterical laughter, hunching over slightly. Shoto's right leg stomped hard on the floor, eye twitching in annoyance.

(Go to 3:08 in the video if you want to get a hint at how Dabi is laughing. I imagine it being like Lenny's XD)

"You're having a grand ol' time, huh? You're enjoying yourself??" Shoto glared at Dabi with a smile that radiated 'you gon die' vibes. Dabi gasped for air before he laughed even louder than before. Shoto snatched the bags off his brother's arms, leaving the room to go to the kitchen. Shigaraki, confused beyond all belief, followed his boyfriend.

"What happened?" Shigaraki asked as Todoroki began emptying the bags on the counter.
"Nothing." Todoroki answered almost too quickly and sharply.
"Something definitely seems to be wrong." Shigaraki leaned against the wall, watching Todoroki. A few minutes passed by, and when Shoto still refused to talk about it, Shigaraki got off the wall and grabbed the same box that Todoroki had went for.

Their eyes locked, Shigaraki's serious and intent. Shoto broke with a sigh after a few-second staring contest. "I got hit with a quirk." He admitted.
"What kind of quirk?"
Todoroki shuffled around where he stood, eyes averting away from Tomura's, "I really don't want to talk about it out here." Shigaraki hummed, moving the box he was holding farther put of Todoroki's reach.

Then he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, nudging him along as they walked. "I still have a few things to put away." Todoroki pointed out.
"Kurogiri will get them." Shigaraki answered, opening the door to his bedroom.

"Okay," Shigaraki shuts the door behind him then looked to Todoroki, "what did the quirk do?" Todoroki was hesitant, but removed his hood from his head. Tomura was instantly perplexed by what he saw, his red eyes growing wide. On the top of Todoroki's head were very fuzzy-looking rabbit ears, both in the color of their respected sides. Todoroki looked quite embarrassed, his cheeks blushing a light pink and arms folded across his chest.

The taller male goes over to the shorter male, "Do they hurt you?"
"No, but my hearing is twice as sharp as before."
"Ah," Shigaraki nodded and when he spoke again his tone had softened, "So I shouldn't speak too loud?"
"If you could that would be nice."
Shigaraki nodded, "Can I touch them? Would that be too much?"

The peppermint haired boy blushed more as he shook his head, "No, you can touch them."
"Let me know if it bothers you." Shigaraki said, bringing his right hand up to the rabbit ears. He gently brushed the tips of his pointer finger and middle finger up along the side of the long ear. Then he placed three fingers on the back of the ear, moving down it. It was incredible soft, fur nearly silky. His other hand went up to touch the other ear, movement in sync with one another.

"Did you get a craving for carrots as well?" Shigaraki joked, trying to lighten Todoroki's sour mood. But this comment only made Shoto flash an angry flustered look and stomp his right foot again.
"Stop teasing me Tomura! I got enough of that from Dabi already." Shoto snapped, and when he was chuckled at he stomped again.

Shigaraki cooed as he wrapped his arms around Todoroki's waist, "Aw you're such a cute grumpy bunny."
"Shut up.." The younger male grumbled, laying his head down on Shiggy's collar bone. Shigaraki's head snuggled against Todoroki's temple, then an idea popped into his mind.
"Hey, don't rabbits have tails?"

Todoroki's eyes grew wide as an anxiety induced smile appeared on his face, ' iiiiiii'mm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked '
"I...I believe so.." Todoroki answered.
"Did you get one?"
' iiiiiiii'mmm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked I'm fucked ' "Nnnooo?" Todoroki tried to lie, but his lie came out sounding more like an unsure question.

Shigaraki quirked a brow in suspicion, "Shoto?"
"Let me see it~"
"Showing you the ears was embarrassing enough!! You don't need to see it!!" Todoroki snapped, before slapping a hand over his mouth. Now he fucked up.
"Oh? So you're admitting to it."
"Uh..." Todoroki suddenly jerked backwards, trying to break out of Shigaraki's hold.

Shigaraki pushed Todoroki onto the bed on his stomach, climbing over top of the younger male. He nuzzled the tip of his nose against the peppermint haired boy's inner neck, making the him squirm at the ticklish touch. "Stop it, that tickles!" Todoroki giggled, turning his body a bit to push Shiggy's face away from his sensitive neck. Todoroki squeaked in surprise as he felt a couple of Tomura's fingers slip under the rim of his pants, touching the tail hidden under them.

"Soft." Tomura hummed.
"You sneaky bastard." Shoto pouted, but his grumpiness vanished when Shigaraki planted a kiss on his neck.
Shigaraki lifted his head up, pressing a kiss to Todoroki's cheek, "I'm you're sneaky bastard." Todoroki rolled his eyes, blushing as he hugged Shigaraki's head closer to him. "Soft," Tomura muttered again, chuckling softly, "you're so soft everywhere." Shoto blushed even more at this compliment. Everytime Tomura touched his skin he would always comment on how soft it was. It's why he liked touching him so much.

Todoroki yelped as he was scooped up onto Shigaraki's lap, where the older cradled him. "This feels embarrassing, Tomura." Todoroki commented.
"I don't think so," Shigaraki smiled as he stroked the top of his boyfriend's head, "I think your just precious."
"Hush.." Todoroki hid his face in Tomura's shoulder, face entirely red.

Got any ideas for a Christmas themed chapter? It can be fluffy, smutty, both of those, but no angst. Have a wonderful day 😌❤️

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