🛌Bed Time🕰

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Shigaraki sighed with discontent as he finished another video game level with ease, leaning up from how he had been slouching. He was becoming bored. Not to mention a little tired. Glancing over at his phone, he saw it was 12:34 A. M. That was much earlier than when Shigaraki would usually go to bed, but he had nothing better to do.

He looked over at Todoroki, who was still working on that book report. The book was very very long, at least 400 pages easy. ' He's been working on that thing for the last three hours, ' Shigaraki reminded himself, ' I bet he's tired too. ' Shigaraki powered off his consol, sauntering over to the desk where his boyfriend sat. He made a fish with his right hand, gently nudging Todoroki's shoulder with his knuckles.

Todoroki turned around, confused, but gave a small smile as he saw it was Tomura. "I'm going to bed, you coming?" Shigaraki asked.
"In a few minutes, I'm almost finished." Todoroki promised, and Shigaraki nodded a bit, before turning and walking towards the bed. He laid down, and slowly fell asleep to the sound of Todoroki's pencil scribbling against paper, along with the tapping of laptop keys.

Shigaraki tossed and turned, grumbling in his sleep. He realized that sleeping was way more difficult without Shoto next to him. The missing warmth that he provided against Shigaraki's chest, or when Todoroki would be the big spoon and hug Shigaraki from behind.

Shigaraki finally couldn't take it, and sat up from bed, looking to his clock. 1:22 A. M. ' A few minutes my ass.. ' Shigaraki gritted his teeth some, becoming annoyed. He stood up from bed, walking very quietly over to Shoto, who didn't seem to notice his boyfriend at first. The sudden feeling of being watched caught Todoroki's attention and he slowly peered over his shoulder.

"Christ with a stick up his ass!!!" Todoroki screamed in surprise, finding Shigaraki giving him a death stare. "What are you doing watching me?? I thought you were sleeping." Todoroki questioned, calming down a bit.
"It's been longer than a few minutes."
"Oh..right. Sorry, it's just-HEY!" Shigaraki leaned over as Todoroki talked and slammed the laptop closed, then grabbed and decayed Todoroki's pencil.

"Great! I see your all finished! Let's get some sleep."
"Seriously? I can just grab another pencil."
Shigaraki picked Todoroki up, flinging him over his shoulder, walking back over to the bed.
"Put me down!! I have work!!" Todoroki tried to fight back, but as soon as he was laid down, and held against Shigaraki's chest, his body relaxed, mind going numb.

The lids of his eyes got heavy, and Shigaraki fell right to sleep with the warmth now against him. "Your such a jerk sometimes..." Todoroki mumbled out, before his eyes forced themselves closed, and he was instantly asleep.

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