🔎Missing Clothes🧥

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Shigaraki huffed in annoyance as he searched endlessly through his closet. He was looking for one specific hoodie that he knew for a fact had been washed and put away by Kurogiri. Ever since Tomura was little, Kurogiri had put his hoodies and shirts in the closest while his pants were put in the dresser. It would've been very out of the warp gate villain's character to suddenly change how he did things.

But just in case he did, Shigaraki also went to  rummage through his dresser. As the grayish-blue haired make searched, he grumbled to himself about how annoying this all was. He was so intuned with his search that Shigaraki didn't even acknowledge someone coming into the bedroom.

"Tomu, are you almost ready?" Came Shoto's voice from behind Shigaraki.
"No, I can't find my hoodie." Tomura briefly explained, closing the dresser drawer.
"Oh, that's unfortunate. Which one are you looking for?"
"The plain black one I usually wear when we're outside of the base."

Todoroki was quiet for a few moments before speaking again, "This one?" Confused, Shigaraki turned around to look at his boyfriend. There he saw Shoto wearing his missing hoodie. This both shocked and confused Tomura since Shoto didn't really take his stuff without asking first.

"Why are you wearing it?" Shigaraki inquired, standing up off the floor from where he had been kneeling. Todoroki replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Can I have it back?"
Todoroki took a slight step back, "But it's comfy."
"I want to wear it. Now give it."
Raising his chin up, Todoroki pursed his lips slightly, eyes narrowing, "No."

"Sho, give it back now."
"No, get another hoodie."
"Shoto Todoroki I mean it! Give it back now!"
"Make me. Bitch."

Shigaraki lunged at Todoroki at an inhumane speed, tackling him to the floor. Struggling like a fish out of water, Todoroki made it difficult for Shigaraki to take back his hoodie. Unluckily for the peppermint haired male, he eventually failed at keeping the hoodie on his person.

Shigaraki put the hoodie on, sighing with contentment at finally having it. Todoroki pouted angrily at his loss, rubbing at his upper arms as he realized how cool the temperature was without the hoodie. "You can wear a different hoodie of mine." Shigaraki offered, not wanting his lover mad at him.
Todoroki's expression lit up, "Really??"
"Sure. Just don't rip it."

Scrambling up to the closet, Shoto pulled out another one of Tomura's hoodies, slipping it on as a smile plagued his face. "There, now we're both happy." Shigaraki stated, Todoroki nodding in agreement.

(It's a short chapter but I'm hurrying with the next one 🏃)

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