✨New Gloves🧤

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One of Shigaraki's biggest fears when it comes to his relationship with Shoto is touching him. Since his quirk makes it nearly impossible to touch things without disinigrating them, it's easy for him to slip up.

Like when he's holding a cup he sometimes touches it with all five of his fingers, and then suddenly there is killing more cup. He could be writing with a pencil when sudden it's been turned to useless ashes.

Due to this, Shigaraki had found it hard for him to trust himself with touching Shoto, too scared that he will harm him. Afraid that he will slip up and decay him. He has refused himself multiple times to give Todoroki physical affection, and since he's not the best with words, Tomura finds it very difficult to show Shoto just how much he does care about him.

So, to try and solve this issue, Shigaraki got Giran to make him some gloves. The gloves he received did indeed work. They were made from a specially created black leather that covered Shigaraki's thumbs, pinkie, and ring fingers on both of his hands. But, even though that the gloves did work, Shigaraki still felt scared about touching Todoroki while wearing them.

At the present moment, Shigaraki and Todoroki were following Toga around the mall. She wanted to go to buy herself some more hair ties, having broken all of the ones she had. None of the League trusted her going alone, so the two lovebirds were assigned as Toga's bodyguards.

The mall was crowded, which makes sense since it's a literal mall. Shigaraki was wearing his gloves so that nothing he touched would get decayed, which was lucky for everyone around him since he wanted to kill them all for bumping into him.

Todoroki was avoided by many people, since he glared at anyone who dared to look at him, Toga, and especially Tomura in a funny way. Plus his overall aura gave people the shivers when within a four foot distance from him. Todoroki noticed his boyfriend struggling to keep up, so when Toga went inside a small store, he went to grasp his gloves hand.

But the older quickly jerked away. "You have your gloves on." Todoroki reminded Shigaraki, as if he had forgotten.
"I know, but...ugh it's difficult to explain right now."
"If you don't want to hold my hand that's okay Tomura. You can tell me."
"It's not like that! I really want to hold your hand, it's just..." Shigaraki rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm scared."

"My quirk. I don't want to hurt you with my quirk."
"But you got the gloves to stop your quirk from working."
Shigaraki nodded in acknowledgement, but let out a sigh, "Even with the gloves, it's still really hard to allow myself to touch you, or anything else for that matter."

"I won't force you, I just didn't want you to get lost in the crowd." Todoroki explained, glancing into the store to make sure Toga was okay. Tomura stared at Shoto's hand for a few moments, before inhaling sharply and taking it in his own. Nothing happened, no cracks, no dust, no decay. Nothing. Shiggy's breath hitched, rubbing his thumb over one of Todo's knuckles.

"Guys! I got the-are you two having a moment?" Toga questioned, noticing the two lovebird's locked hands.
"N-no!" Shigaraki quickly released Todoroki's hand, blushing behind the surgical mask he was wearing as a disguise.
Toga giggled, "Suure, let's go back home now."
The three began to leave the mall. Except that this time, Shigaraki allowed Todoroki to hold his hand.

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