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Shigaraki sat on the end of his bed, playing a video game with extreme concentration. His gloved hands working the controller like magic. He had been playing for a good hour now, and had made it to the final levels. He was so focused on his game, that he didn't notice his boyfriend, Shoto, who had been sleeping previously, waking up. What was different about this particular time, was that Shoto felt very hot, sweaty, and needy. It was almost like Todoroki was an animal going into its runt.

Shoto whimpered softly, his lower region aching and yearning. He noticed Tomura was still playing a video game, and became slightly annoyed. He waited until Shigaraki was at a good spot in his game for him to interrupt, and slowly crawled over.
"T-Tomura," Shoto spoke, gentle placing a hand on his boyfriends shoulder, "c-can you pl-please come to b-bed with me?"
"I'm in the raid right now, I have to finish this or I'll have to start the entire game over." Shigaraki briefly explained, trying to remain focused.

"P-please, Master?~" Shoto's voice was laced with lust, and Tomura instantly recognized this. Pausing his game, Shigaraki turned his head to look at Todoroki. The younger males pale face was red, heat practically radiating off of it, and his bangs stuck to his forehead due to sweat. The only things Shoto was wearing was one of Tomura's black hoodie, short short black pants that only covered Shoto's ass, and stalkings that Big Sis Mange had bought him.

"Are you feeling horny baby cake?" Shigaraki cooed, pouting sympathetically at Shoto. Todoroki hugged Shigaraki from behind, burying his head into his shoulder, letting out a muffled, "Mmhm~"
"Well then, you have two options." Shigaraki answered, Todoroki looked up at Shigaraki with confusion.

"Either 1; you can get me hard and use my cock like a toy, or 2; wait until I'm finished playing my game." Shigaraki informed, watching as Shoto's face went an even darker red and eyes going wide. He kissed Shoto's head, before turning back to the TV, hitting the resume button. Todoroki was conflicted. Going with option one seemed so...lewd. Nothing like they had ever done. But, it seemed so hot as well.

Plus, Shoto was 101% sure he wouldn't be able to take it if he chose to wait. Shoto gently began to kiss Shigaraki's neck, licking at the scarred skin. His own heart skip a beat as he felt Shigaraki's pulse under the tip of his tongue. Todoroki moved away from Shigaraki's neck for a quick moment, biting at the lobe of Tomura's ear. Todoroki went back to sucking on Tomura's neck, hands trailing down and fiddling with Shigaraki's tied sweat pants.

Once Todoroki finally managed to untie the seemingly invincible knot, he slipped down his hand into Shigaraki's pants, palming Shigaraki's dick through his boxers. It was already halfway hard, and the newly added friction only helped encourage the process. Soon enough, Todoroki began working his hand up and down Tomura's length, his blood rushing to his head.

Todoroki whined quietly with relief, using his other hand to jerk himself off as well. But, this wasn't enough, he wanted more than this. He needed much more than this. Quickly, Todoroki released both his and his boyfriends dicks, moving swiftly off the bed and crawled on the floor till he was in front of Tomura.

He sat down on his knees, pulling Shigaraki's sweat pants and boxers down just enough to let his 12 inch cock spring free of its clothes prison. Todoroki's mouth watered, eyes in a lust filled trance. He immediately took the older males member into his hot mouth, moaning as he tasted his Master. He held  onto the L.O.V's leader's thighs, slowly bobbing his head as he moved down Shigaraki's length.

Shoto found it remarkable as Tomura seemed to be barely reacting, seeming so focused and determined on his game. But, Todoroki knew that Shigaraki still felt everything happening to his body. The reactions he did give was the muttered praises he gave to Shoto. "Good boy Sho," Shigaraki groaned softly, "good baby cake." The praises encouraged Todoroki's actions, the praises themselves acting like another form of pleasure.

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