😨Last Resort☠️

682 22 7

Requested by: @Anchor2482

Word count: 3,642

Type of story: Angst to the fucking maximum up until the end

Basic Summary: Heroes put Shoto under a mind control quirk as a last resort to arrest Shigaraki Tomura. To save his boss's life Shoto resorts to the only option he sees: he must be killed. Shigaraki is then forced to kill the love of his life and live with the guilt and self hatred that comes after. However, things are not always what they seem.


"Come on...come on!!!" Shigaraki tried to get a signal on his phone, but was coming up with nothing. He had to reach Doc, Kurogiri, Spinner, anyone at this point would do! At this point he was realizing that having gone off to try and rescue Shoto on his own was probably a stupid idea, but how could he just sit around while his boyfriend was being tormented by those damned Heroes??

Using his quirk to get them out of this building--little had he know the only exit would automatically lock when they had entered--was not an option since he was certain Heroes were still on the lookout for them. "Shit shit shit!!" Shigaraki hisses, throwing away the device in a fit of frustration.

Just then he heard a soft groan he recognized as Shoto's. From what he had gathered, Shoto was put under a mind control quirk and tasked with killing him. Shigaraki had managed to knock Shoto out and get them both somewhere safe, but he had no clue how long the effects of the quirk were going to last. Shoto struggled to lift himself off the floor, his arms feeling like the bones were made from jelly.

' Must kill..Shigaraki Tomura..' A voice that was mildly familiar echoed in his head, sending waves of agony flooding through his body, causing a growl to escape his lips. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his boss coming closer and without thinking twice he shouted, "STOP!"
He couldn't allow Tomura near him, ' I'm not myself anymore..'

Memories of what happened before he blacked out flashed in Shoto's mind:
"Will the effects be...permanent?" Eraserhead inquired, talking about the known pain being under this new Hero's quirk could and would cause.
The hero gives a small shrug, "My quirk only wears off when the subject's mission is completed or they are killed." Eraserhead mutters a curse under his breath, a hand coming up to clutch at his face.
"Let's hope for the kid's sake he finishes this."

"I'm going to get us out of here," Shigaraki states, edging closer to the young man laying on the floor, "then we're going to get you to Garaki and he's going to fix you."
"He can't.." Shoto huffs before taking in a sharp inhale as more pain came, "The quirk..it won't wear off until..until I kill--AAGGH!!!"

Shoto keels over as his brain felt like it had exploded inside his skull, making his stomach lurch and his heart pound. "Shoto!!" Shigaraki rushes over to his lifelong friend's side, carefully holding him by his shoulder to try and ease him. Before he could stop himself Shoto had his hand around Tomura's throat, pinning him against the wall as if he weighed no more than a couple feathers.

Gagging at the tightness cutting off his airway, Shigaraki grabbed at the younger's wrist but kept his pinkie finger away for his safety. Shoto's head and eye twitch violently, groaning as he fought to take back control of his body. He relinquishes his grip on the villain boss's throat, dropping him before holding the sides of his head.

Shoto moans in agony, "Hurts...it hurts!!!" as he continues to battle for his body. Dropping to his knees, Shoto can't bring himself to swat away the crooked hands that come to rest on his head. "Baby just hang in there, alright? We're almost out of this."
"Kill me.."
Shigaraki's blood runs cold, "What? What did you just say?"

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