👶🏻Baby Todoroki💋

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It was quiet in the bar besides the small noises from Shigaraki's Nintendo. He had just finished beating a boss battle, when Dabi and Twice stepped inside the bar. They had a nervous expression, sweat beading on Dabi's forehead.

" So...we got a...small problem." Dabi said, grinning sheepishly at his boss.
" I swear to god if a Hero followed you—" Shigaraki was interrupted by Twice quickly budding in.

" No! But..um..."
" Spit it out you idiots!" Shigaraki snapped, an annoyed expression on his face which was covered by Father.

Dabi sighed, him and Twice moving to the side and allowing Toga to walk inside. Shigaraki went wide eyed, in Toga'a arms was a baby. But it looked like Todoroki.

" The guy you sent us to kill had an aging quirk. It was going to hit me but Todoroki-Kun pushed me out of the way. It's only gonna last 24 hours!"
Toga rushed to speak as Todoroki teethed on her sweaters red bow tie.

" Oh my.." Kurogiri mumbled, seeming to not know what to do. Toga set Todoroki down on the ground, her arms getting tired from holding the baby for the past thirty minutes.

" If you had just watched what you were doing, the kid wouldn't be a baby!" Dabi snapped at Toga, who looked offended.

" Hey! I'm not the one who was trying to be the lone wolf! At least Todoroki was helping me!"

The two got into an argument, which made Twice try to stop it and Shigaraki groan and turn in his seat. He started to play the next level. Todoroki saw the man with light blue hair and crawled over to him.

Todoroki sat down beside the bar stool, looking up at Shigaraki with a tilt of his head.
Loosing the battle, Shigaraki groaned. He happened to look down, and was surprised to see Todoroki just staring at him. His eyes watched him, innocence and wonder filling them.

Shigaraki was still for a few seconds, before leaning down and picking Todoroki up. He kept his pinkie fingers away from the bi-colored haired baby's body.

Todoroki cooed gently as Shigaraki set him down on top of the bar. " Why do you get yourself into these situations?" Shigaraki asked, though he knew he would get no answer except maybe babbling.

Todoroki didn't babble, instead reached out for Father. Shigaraki leaned away, pinning both of Todoroki's tiny hands between his pointer and middle finger on both hands.

" No, don't touch." Shigaraki said sharply, not wanting to repeat himself.
" Baba!" Todoroki babbled, reaching out again for Father.

" No kid, don't touch!" Shigaraki repeated, this time a bit louder to get his point across. Todoroki put his hands into his lap, bottom lip trembling as his hetechromia eyes watered.

" Stop it, don't cry." Shigaraki sighed softly pinching Todoroki face to stop his lip from trembling. His face was really squishy and soft, which made the older male blush from how adorable it was.

" Okay, can you two just shut up?! It doesn't matter how he got turned into a baby, what matters is that it's only temporary!" Shigaraki finally shouted at Toga, Dabi, and Twice, who went silent.

Shigaraki turned his gaze back to Shoto, who was teething on the sleeve of his black long sleeved shirt.

" I'll watch him. Any of you three will get him killed."
" No I won't!" Toga and Twice said in unison, crossing their arms.

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