❤️‍🔥Shoto's New Cat🐱

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Shoto was out on a jog which he tried to do at least daily. But with this cold autumn weather, he might not be able to do it very much longer. That is until spring came back around of course. The wind was chilled and frost covered cars and windows on buildings. Shoto's breath came out as fog each time he exhaled and goosebumps covered his pale skin despite wearing fairly warm clothing.

Shoto's run came to a abrupt stop when he suddenly heard a high pitched noise. He stilled, trying to quiet his breathing as he tried to listen out for the sound again. Could he have imagined it? He was off his meds...

Nope, it's real.

Todoroki turned his head towards the alley beside him, carefully venturing inside of it. Leaves scattered across the asphalt ground, crunching satisfyingly under Shoto's trainers. The meowing grew louder with each step, and soon enough Todoroki came to a trembling pile of dead leaves. Crouching down, using the balls of his feet to balance himself, Shoto cautiously removed the leaves a couple at a time.

Under the leaves was a Scottish Fold, it's fur a grayish-whitish blend while it's eyes we're a deep ruby red. In a weird way actually, this eyes seemed familiar to Todoroki. The cat's body was shaking, probably from the cold. Plus sitting in a damp dark alley wasn't helping the poor things case.

Shoto had expected the feline to run away from him, but was surprised as it mewled excitedly at him and trotted over to him. It jumped onto his lap, rubbing it's head against his chest. Todoroki held it close, using his fire to make his body temperature rise, helping to warm the cat.

"I'd better get you back to my room," Todoroki mumbled out loud, "it has better lighting there. I can check you for injuries there."
Todoroki stood up, starting to run even faster than before he had discovered his new feline friend.

Somehow Todoroki succeeded to slip past his classmates and back into his dorm room, going into his room and sitting on his bed. Sitting on the futon, Todoroki inspected the cat. It didn't appear to be injured, a little tousled maybe and it was missing a few toes on its left paw but that appeared to be old. But other than that the cat appeared to be just fine.
He then lifted their front legs up to get a view of their belly, which also seemed uninjured--

Oh, it's a boy..

The feline hissed lightly, not enjoying the prolonged stare. Shoto felt oddly embarrassed, placing the male cat beside him. Shoto rubbed the soft head of the cat as an apology of sorts, "I'm not a pervert, I promise. I was just checking to make sure you weren't hurt. You seem to be fine, by the way."
A small fuzzy gray cheek pressed against Todoroki's hand, seeming to nod reassuringly. Okay, now he was seeing things.

"Seeing as you weren't wearing a collar when I found you, I guess I have the task of naming you." Todoroki ranted as he found his heating pad, plugging it into the wall and turning it on, "I could call you Soba, it's my favorite food. But that might imply that I want to eat you, so I don't think that's right."

Pouting, Shoto continued to stroke a fluffy cheek, inwardly cooing when the feline pressed back, staring at him softly. "I got an idea, I will call you Tomey, because you're eyes are just like my boss's eyes. He has very pretty eyes, actually. Actually, he's just very pretty in general.." Shoto looked down to find the feline staring back at him, head tilted to the side in question. When their eyes met, he let out a quiet meow and a blush dusted Shoto's cheeks.

' Stop talking to a cat about you're crush..' Todoroki internally chastised, before another part of him chimed in, ' Although... it's not like a cat could snitch on me..' He cleared his throat, "Anyway, his name is first name is Tomura, so maybe if I call you Tomey, people won't get confused. What do you think?"

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