👺Traitor Found👉

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@arpit34 @Hailey648852
I mish-mashed your ideas together sorta

Somehow they were caught, all three of them. Shirakumo Shoto and Asui Tsuyu were discovered helping Toga Himiko, who had disguised herself as Yaoyorozu Momo, escape off the UA premises.

They had managed to escape before Pros could arrive, but since they all had at least sustained one bullet wound from the security guard that had discovered them, they couldn't had gotten far.

And they didn't, really. Shoto managed to get them all to a secluded area nearby the school, in between some buildings in front of some woodlands. He had already sent his location to his boss, now they were waiting for the rest of the League's arrival.

Toga has been shot in her thigh, the bullet having gone completely through. To help slow the bleeding, Shoto used his now meaningless uniform jacket to tie just above the hole. Asui's injury was similar, only hers was in her calf. Shoto was shot through his left shoulder, making it difficult to use that side.

"How much longer till they get here??" Toga whines, wanting to move her leg to get more comfortable on the concrete/grass covered ground but the pain in her leg forced her to remain still.
"Soon." Shoto responds, tone quick and sharp yet monotone all the same.

"Calm down Shoto-Chan," Asui places a hand on the male's right shoulder. She could tell by his voice that he was starting to get antsy, which is all she could go by since he always wore that mask to hide his face. "I know this is a difficult situation, but we'll push through."

He nods, tearing off some of his shirt to help minimize the frog-girl's bleeding, "Uh-huh." Suddenly voices approaching could be heard, Shoto's body acting quicker than his brain could react as he moved the girls closer into the darker parts of the alley. This way they would be more difficult to see by someone just passing by.

The closer the voices came, them more they were recognized as Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou. All three villains remained dead quiet as to not draw attention, already so close to getting out of this that they couldn't risk making a single sound.

"Can't believe they're really villains," Kirishima says, sounding almost heartbroken in a sense, "they both seemed like such good people."
A soft tsk was heard and followed by a gruff voice replying back, "I'll admit that frog-face surprised me. But IcytHot? Nah, I knew something was wrong with him."

"What do you mean by that, Bakugou? He seemed fine to me."
"Yeah, that's cause your naive as fuck! I could tell from day one that he wasn't right in the head. Way too quiet for my liking. "
"Just cause he's a little introverted doesn't mean he's insane, you know that? That's like saying Fumikage-Kun is a sociopath cause he likes staying in his room. "

"Look Shitty-Hair, I've known my fair introverts throughout my life. And none of them, not a single one, acted like him. He acted different, moved different, talked different. He doesn't fucking act human in general, he's more like a robot. A creepy fucking bastard is what he is, and him being a villain only fucking proves my point."

Kirishima questions, "Don't you think that's a bit far? I mean he was a decent friend to us."
Bakugou groans as they walk past the alley, "He wasn't my friend. God I don't know how many times I've said this to you, Kirishima! Besides he wasn't being your friend, he was using ya. A guy like him doesn't have any actual emotions to befriend other sad sacks. "

Right then and there Toga nearly got over the steering pain in her thigh just to bolt over and attack the blonde as they walked by, but was stopped by Tsuyu pulling her back down. Glancing behind her at Shoto, she couldn't find any sort of reaction from the guy. Granted the mask hid mostly everything, but his eyes were always visible. But with the added darkness from the alley, nothing at all could be seen of him.

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