🤔Unfamiliar Number#️⃣

638 21 4

TW: Story contains past self harm, stalking, mention of murder, Stockholm Syndrome, and overall yandere-behavior

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Midoriya asked as he stood in the doorway watching his friend pack, "It can be really dangerous at night."
"I can take care of myself just fine." Todoroki replied, wrapping his messenger bag's around his shoulders.
"Yeah but..um, it-it's cold outside!" Midoriya added on, voice sounding slightly more desperate than when he last spoke just moments earlier.

And despite not being one to recognize these things, Todoroki did in fact take note of the change. He sighs softly through his nose, turning to look back at the other, "I understand your concern, Midoriya. It's completely justified what with all the disappearances lately. But I haven't been feeling right here these last few weeks." Todoroki's mind drifts away momentarily, head shifting so he was looking at the wall behind him.

"It feels like the walls are watching me." he admits after a couple second's of silence, pupils dilating as he continued to watch his room.
"The walls are..." Midoriya shakes his head and moves past the odd comment, "I get it Todoroki, really I do. But as you said with all the disappearances that have been popping up, I think it's best if you stay."
Todoroki shook his head, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Just then Shoto's phone began ringing, making the young man jump in alarm. He removed the device from his pocket, looking to see who would be calling him at this hour. However, the phone number wasn't one he recognized, nor did it have a caller ID. "Who is it?" Midoriya inquires, trying to catch a look of Todoroki's phone screen.
"Random number," the younger mumbled, mostly to himself rather than to Izuku, "I'll check."

"No wait!!" Without being invited Deku zoomed into the room, grabbing Todoroki by both wrists. Blinking slowly, the fire/ice user looked to the green haired boy with his brows furrowed in bewilderment. "I-I mean," Midoriya stammered out, "that's probably a robo caller! My mom gets them all the time."
"So...what are you wanting me to do?"
"Just don't answer them! Ignore the calls if they keep up."

"Alright," Todoroki agrees reluctantly, tearing his arms away from the older's grip and walking out of the room, "I'm going now."
"Hold on!" Izuku dashed after the taller, "Are you absolutely sure about this??"
"Yes Midoriya, for the millionth time." Todoroki answers, sounding a tad annoyed by the tiresome interrogation. Making it to the front door, Todoroki reached out for the door handle but stopped when a hand held him by the shoulder. Expecting more attempts on Midoriya's part to change his mind, Todoroki had not prepared himself to be embraced.

The other's arms were tight around him, making Shoto feel like he was trapped. His heart nearly stopped beating, but not in a good way like Uraraka would describe whenever Deku hugged her. What was wrong with him? Why didn't this feel like it was supposed to? "Come back safe, okay? Promise me that, Todoroki."
"I promise." Todoroki swears, shaking himself out of the embrace and quickly leaving the dorms as soon as he felt that hold loosen.

Todoroki decided to take the long way home--20 minutes on foot--since he still didn't feel right. It had started around two months ago when these feelings began to come around; the feeling of being watched constantly when in his dorm room. It got so bad that Shoto forced himself to stay around his classmates for longer periods of time, just so he wouldn't be alone with that feeling.

As Midoriya had said it was fairly cold outside, but it didn't bother Todoroki any. He liked the cold, so he welcomed it with open arms. The streets were also fairly desolate; barley any cars coming down the road and no one else taking a night stroll. It was quiet and there were no emotions to contradict it. Just like how it should be. Todoroki breathed a sigh of relief, which seemed like it had been a lifetime since he done it last.

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