🏫UA Traitor😈

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@Myth772 👍 noice suggestion

Shigaraki sat alone in the quiet bar room, which was usually filled with the loud voices of the League of Villain's members. But they were all out on a mission Shigaraki had put them all in, leaving him the only one in the base. For now.

Shigaraki was expecting the UA Traitor to arrive with some information about the dorm building. You know, the usual stuff you'd want to know. How extreme is the security, how many cameras are there, where all the exist were, which rooms were the 1-A brats in and in what order, etc.

Shigaraki had sent the League out on this mission for two reasons.
1. This was an actual mission that needed to get done.
2. Tomura wanted to be the only one who knew the identity of the traitor.

Shigaraki watched with boredom as the sweat ran down his beer glass and soaked into the news paper he had been barely reading. The clock on the wall ticked and tocked loudly, but it's rhythm could make one fall asleep. Then, there came a sudden knock from the front door, and Shigaraki nearly bolted out of his skin.

Of course, he already knew who it was, and quickly relaxed. "You don't have to knock, you know? Everyone else is gone. " Shigaraki spoke in his usual raspy harsh tone of voice. The door slowly create open, and half of a face looked inside. The white hair did it's annoying job of hiding part of the pretty gray eye on it's side.

"Come on," Shigaraki beckoned with a waving movement of his hand, "it's safe here." The teen moved inside the room swiftly, revealing the left part of his hair to be red and his left eye blue. Closing the door quietly behind him, Todoroki walked over to the LOV's boss, holding a thick orange-yellow folder. Shigaraki turned in his seat to better face Todoroki, his dangerous hands in his hoodie pocket.

Shigaraki wrapped his leg around Todoroki's hips, which neither of the two found strange or even reacted to. "Here, I've mapped the entire building." Todoroki opened the folder up on the bar top, pointing to the first page's sketch of the dorm building, which had the security camera's circles.

Shigaraki flipped through the pages, seeing that everything that he had asked Shoto to find out was covered and documented. "Is it enough?" Todoroki questioned, fingers fiddling together nervously.
Shigaraki nodded, "Yes, good job." Todoroki's face grew hot, knowing it wasn't like Shigaraki to praise someone.

Shigaraki's arms snaked around Todoroki's waist, leaning his head against the younger male'd chest. Shigaraki sighed softly, a smiling creeping onto his face as he felt Todoroki's hand run up through his cornflower blue hair. "I missed you." Todoroki admitted, which made Shigaraki's heart flutter. Shigaraki cupped his hand under Todoroki's chin, obviously keeping one of his fingers away, and pulled his head down to come close to his.

They pressed their lips together, both melting into each other's gently touch. Tomura found a sweet taste on Shoto's lips, which was the flavor of the chopstick he used, raspberry. "You really need to visit me more often." Tomura parted from the kiss briefly to speak, before Shoto caught his lips in another kiss.

"I know," Todoroki broke the kiss to catch his breath, "it's just so hard to sneak out. Both at the dorms and at home."
Shigaraki hummed, the tip of his thumb nudging playfully at the peppermint haired male's bottom lip. Tomura then soft nipped at Shoto's bottom lip, which gasped the younger male to gasp shakily, before the villain licked at the blood that his bite caused.

"Th-that might bruise." Todoroki reminded.
"Mm, and if anyone asks, just tell em that it was from your boyfriend. You wouldn't be lying,"
"Just hiding who my boyfriend is." Todoroki finished, which made Shigaraki's grin grow.
"Good boy, same situation different time." Tomura praised, running his finger nails carefully up and down Shoto's back, making the shorter male shiver with delight.

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