🪜Lengthy Ghosting👻

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I know I've been asked quite a lot for Shigaraki faking a breakup prank on Todoroki and Shigaraki being mean pranks, but here's the thing; I don't think Shigaraki is that cruel to do something like that. Especially to someone who he cares about so much. He's not a Caucasian boy named Trevor or Chad or some other douche-baggy name.

So, I'll just write this that is kinda like a ghosting prank and Shoto thinks Tomura is mad at him but it's an accidental ghosting.

So for future requests, don't ask for things like that. This ship wouldn't be mean to one another for shits and giggles.

Todoroki was in his futon laying on his side, hugging his comfort octopus to his chest. It was childish and he knew this all too well, but Todoroki couldn't help the fact that hugging this plushy was particularly very therapeutic for him. And out off all times he needed the comfort right now. And it wasn't just because he was stuck at the dorms with barely any time to himself, surrounded by noisy and overly social people. No, it was something a bit more difficult than that.

It was about a month ago when Tomura had stopped answering Shoto's texts and calls. Now, Shoto knew that his boss/boyfriend was away on an important mission and at first he believed that was what had been keeping Shigaraki from answering. But as time went on, and his messages remained unanswered and unread, Todoroki quickly came up with two theories.
1. He died.
2. He was ignoring his messages on purpose.

Todoroki figured out pretty quickly that Shigaraki wasn't dead because he saw clips of him on the news, so theory 2 was the one he went with. And of course this theory hurt Todoroki's heart. At some point he gave up on texting and calling Shigaraki and just waited to see if he would reply at all to him. And ultimately nothing came of that.

Today marked day 33 and Todoroki was doing what he had been been for the last 12 days; staring at his phone waiting for it to ring. The stuffed octopus that Toga gifted to him for his birthday was being clutched tightly to the boy's front, it being there giving him just a bit of comfort. It helped to ease the ache inside his chest that Tomura was usually there to fill.

He closed his eyes, imaging that he was in Shigaraki's room, holding him against his chest while stroking his long dull blue locks. He wanted to listen to his constantly ranting about destroying heroes and their society, rambling about his plans and ideas, watch him playing his video games till three in the morning.

He didn't want to be alone in the dorm room for another minute. He needed Tomura. Tears slipped down as his eyes fluttered. ' Just go to sleep, ' he told himself, ' just stop thinking and sleep..'

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALL DOWN!!!" Shigaraki bellowed at Spinner, who was trying to ease his boss's stress levels.
"I'm sure Todo is just fine," Spinner tried to reassure, "he's most likely still at the dorms."
"WE DON'T KNOW THAT!!!" Shigaraki retorted, continuing to pace around the room quicker while biting on his nails, "He could be somewhere else entirely, hurt or maybe worse! And what if those classmates of his are tormenting him?? What if his old bastard is up to something?!? "

"Too many 'what if's'." Dabi complained with a roll of his eyes, "You worry entirely too much about that brat, he can take care of himself fine." Shigaraki glared daggers at Dabi, scowling at him.
Spinner defended his boss, "He's just worried cause he hasn't been able to contact him."
"And who's fault is that?? Honestly, if you were so concerned, you wouldn't have let your phone get destroyed."

"Hey Dabi-Kun," Toga crooned, sauntering into the room with her hands behind her back and a smug smirk on her face, "what condition is your phone in?" Dabi went to speak but stopped himself when he remembered it had burned to a crisp while in battle.
"All of our phones got broken in some way," Compress reminded Dabi, resting a hand on his shoulder, "so none of us have had contact with Shoto. Mind you, this has been the case for many weeks."

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