Stories by Triglyceride

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Jelly Belly Story

I've got a sweet tooth, and by sweet chance, I landed a summer job at the Jelly Belly Visitor Center. My boss told me this story this evening.

So there I was in our shipping/stock room, waiting for my batch to print when my co-worker 

Keiko passed by and bid me good bye but not without saying I hope no one calls your name when you're here by yourself. And I said What? Wait a second..what are you talking about? And don't you leave me here by myself now, can you wait until I'm finished please....:D

well anyway, she said that she heard a man call her name while she was there by herself the other day. She said it sounded husky..hahahaa, almost sexy - which made us both laugh. You gotta understand though, that place reeks of estrogen...we need more male employees there seriously. But so anyway, she heard a male voice call her name and she was the only one in the room at that time.

It was when our boss Morgan joined in our conversation. She has been working for Jelly Belly since they first acquired the building and turned it to the Visitor Center. She said that there were times when she would be in the building by herself, doing the displays what not, when she would hear woman's voice call her name " Morgan!" and it's not a scary " ...MMM-oooorrr-gaaann" ..she said it sounded really perky and cheerful. And Morgan would automatically turn with a smile and say " Yes? " only to realize seconds later that she's by herself in the building.

another story she told us was about the alarms going off. Since she lives in the area, she always gets notified when it happens and like any good manager :D, she would drop whatever she's doing and drive to the deserted Visitor Center to check the place out. So she was having one of these Alarm Episodes. She said that during the summer time, where there are longer days, she doesn't ask for a police escort but when it's winter...

so anyway, she was having one of the alarm episodes. She went to the back of the bulding (dock entrance), puts her car in park (with her engine still running) and starts to approach the door. The door has a vertical...rectangular window and if the lights are turned on inside, you can see whoever/whatevers inside. BUT, the last person who leaves the building HAS to turn the lights off before they leave. So anyway, that night, for some reason, the lights were left on. And as she was appraching she saw someone, in a shape of a man pass by the door (from the inside) and she thought " oh, someone's working...." ....and then she saw the man walk by again, this time going the opposite direction.

By the time she opened the door and turned the alarm off, she was convinced that another one of the employees was in the building OR worse, a customer was locked in. So she walked around, saying " Hello?!????!" (the place echoes too)...and as she was walking around she heard a door close. It sounded like was coming from one of the metal doors in the shipping/stock room. She checked to see who it was and ...of course, there was no one there but herself. She said eventhough she saw that person walk by, she couldn't make out the details on how he looks...he was like a shadow.

That place gets so packed during the day, it's like a zoo. But after business hours, the silence is almost eerie, it echoes when we talk. Morgan told us about how the building is new (only 4 years old) and she has been there before it was she really couldn't understand how it could possibly be..for a lack of a better word..haunted...I then said that it may not be the building itself but the land it sits on...ahhh. :D


but so anyway...I couldn't resist sharing that one..and next time I'm by myself in there..well....I don't know..we'll see.

Keiko's Story

Her grand mama (as she affectionately calls her) died at 90 years of age. She said that when her Gma died and were talking about funeral/wake arrangements with her neice - they were both lying on their backs, on her bed. The bed faces the window and from the reflection of the glass you can see the door from behind the bed. While they were both talking, they both saw a silhoutte of a lady standing at the doorway (through the reflection coming from the panes). So they both sat up and looked ...only to see no one there. They both thought it was their Gma but joked that she's too old to move that fast (well maybe since she's in spirit form, she doesn't have the physical limitations of age anymore..just thinking outloud).

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