Almost Tikbalang Story

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Shared by : Triglyceride

This happened when I was about around 10 years old. We just moved to the suburbs of Cainta and our subdivision back then was still being developed so there were still some pretty rural parts in it. At one end of our subdivision was this ricefield and a mango grove and there was also a creek. Now being "city" kids, sabik kami sa ganitong sights... brothers, his friends and I would often go to the ricefield and just try to look for "adventures" .... so anyway....

we were crossing the...pilapil....balancing ourselves because we really don't want to slip into the ....square area you know...we had our heads down while walking across the pilapil..I guess at one point one of us looked up and screamed....startling all of us and I almost lost my footing in the process...then I heard a couple of them scream Tikbalang!!!!!! and when I looked ahead of us I saw this man with animal legs about 5 "squares " away from us...I almost lost thing I knew..all of us were screaming our lungs out and as I frantically tried to turn back I slipped and fell into the the midst of it all I happen to look up and saw the same man ....getting off his cow was just a man on a cow.....stupid kids!!! Boy we felt stupid but we had a good laugh out of it afterwards..

another one.... BUT THIS IS THE REAL THING I promise...

I read this during my Tomasino days. The College of AB published a special All-Saints-Day edition of their student paper (?) and I was fortunate enough to have a dormmate who came home one day with the paper...

There were several stories but this one I remember better than the rest..

I don't remember which building or college it was but I'm pretty sure it was the Main Building *oldest building* in campus. Now in one of the bathrooms there was in infamous ghost they call the Red Lady wearin high heeled shoes. According to the stories, they would hear the rhythmic toc-tocking of her heels down the hallway..but most especially in the ladies restroom. So anyway, the story goes there was this student who went in there and as she was relieving herself she heard someone walk in the restroom...tok tok tok tok the sound was unmistakable ...high heeled there she was relieving herself when all of a sudden someone started pounding on the door of her bathroom stall. The door doesn't go all the way to the floor so you could see the feet of whoever's in front of the door..well she got annoyed at how rude this person was so she said sandali lang! at the same time her eyes automatically drifted down at the bottom of the floor.....

she didn't see any pair of feet....and yet the pounding continued...

she looked above the door and that was the time she saw the lady in red angrily looking down at her...

The story ended there..I didn't know what the girl did after that..but she lived to tell her tale that's for sure....

...oh yeah....I was reading this Red Lady story with a couple of dormmates back of us was reading it outloud but I got a bit impatient so I read it on my the time I reached that part..I the reader hasn't reached that part yet....she got freaked out when I screamed and asked bakit...all i could say was basahin mo tuloy mo ....she continued on reading it out loud and when she reached the part where this girl looked up the door...hehehehe...we all freaked's kinda funny now that I look back at it...imagine 3 17 year-olds huddling together at one corner all freaked out..I was the first one to tear down the corridor..I just wanted to go back in the "safety" of my of us still needed to unplug her stereo so she was the last one running down the corridor but by the time we reached our respective rooms.....we were laughing at ourselves...

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