Shared by pinay_cal

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Let me share a few incidents that happened to me or something I witnessed...

#1: This was in the province in Ilokos, and I was just 6yrs old. We were then living at my Mother's ancestral house. We were about to move away to the next province and live at the ancestral house of my father's clan. The sun just set and the surrounding area just got really dark. I was playing in the sofa next to the window. I looked out the window since I thought someone just called my name. The sound seemed to have emanated from close to this bush in the corner of our yard. I forgot what kind it is but it has very fragrant small white flowers. There next to it is this perfectly white smoke forming. Hey, I thought someone was burning something, but then the smoke formed into a shape of a man's upper body dressed in barong. I started getting scared, but the details seemed so vivid. Then the head formed into this kind looking and smiling old man. It was just staring and smiling at me. I got so scared and sweated profusely. I was transfixed on the image for maybe a few minutes then I grabbed the towel next to me, covered my face, and tried to squeeze my chubby body into the corner of the sofa farthest away from the window. I don't know how long I was like that, until my Mom and grandma found me trembling, pale, and soaked in sweat. They had to shake me vigorously and yell at me so I can focus on them and then I grabbed my grandma in a tight hug and wont let go for an hour or so. After that I was able to tell them what I saw, they went out and lighted a candle next to the bush and let it burn out. The next day they showed me my late grandpa's picture ( he died before I was born). It was him! The picture looks just like that kind old man formed by the smoke. Until we moved, I kept looking out to that bush every night to see if grandpa is there again. Somehow I was scared but very curious too because I never met my grandpa. But I never saw him again. In our 2006 Pinas vacation, I was able to go to that ancestral house to visit. Its old but still standing. It has been vacant for decades, except our neighbor and distant relative uses it as storage for sacks of rice, etc. He keeps it relatively clean. My first question was, how come all this years the glass windows below and the kapis windows on top is still ok? No one tried to take them or break them just like many other vacant houses I have seen. Our neighbor said, even the drunks are scared to come into your yard day or night because we often see glimpses of your grandpa walking around or smelling that "barako" coffee he drinks on the front door every early morning.

#2: I am already teenager and we are living in the ancestral house of my Dad's side of the family. There's a road in front of the house and on the western end of the lot is this very old duhat tree. Right across the street is also an equally old santol tree. Legend in the barrio has it that some beings (kapre) live in the trees. They often play with passing motorist by killing their engines, crashing them into out concrete fence, or making them fall into the side of the road into the shallow canal that goes through under the road with openings on both sides just a few feet from the base of the two trees. Yup! It became a past time for me to be sitting on top of the fence watching who among the motorist will have a weird day. Most often the engines die, but if they push the vehicle away for about 50 yards then it starts good again (sometime on of us in the house will go out and suggest this). The worst thing I saw was two of my kababata passing by in bicycles on opposing side of the street and all of a sudden they cant control the bikes or jump off of it. They hit each other in the middle of the road with strong enough impact that both their front wheels bended like a number 8. Rey even passed out with a concussion when he fell and hit the pavement. The annoying thing about this motorist incidents is that those drivers the frequently pass by will mostly honk their horns 3 times before getting near the trees. Man, it sucks when you're trying to go to sleep at night. There's also this weird dreams of my dad's father and my mom's mother (she came to live with us when we left the other house). They both keep dreaming of this spanish soldiers complete with swords, armor vest, and old muskets. The soldiers come through the door in their sleep and demand they give them a few drops of the kid's blood(me and my brother) or worst one of their little fingers in exchange for a treasure buried in our lot. Of course my grandparents will say no, and when they wake up they will have this eerie feeling that someone is following them all day long.

#3: I am 18 already and still living in the same ancestral house of my dad's family. For about a year now, our drunk neighbor and relative made it a habit to threaten us, ask us for a fight, or throw stones on our roof almost every time he gets soo drunk. My blood is boiling but my parents said to keep my cool and let it pass. Let the tanods handle him as long as he doesn't come into our yard/house to hurt us. They don't want me to get into trouble with the law since we were already processing our US immigration papers at the time. But since my dad is already disable at the time and my mother is just a small lady, I figured I will play it safe so I borrowed a paltik .38 from a friend as a protection in case drunkard will get the guts to storm our house or try to hurt my parents. Its just the 3 of us in the house since my brother is living and studying in the next province. One night, after another rain of stones and invectives, we finally went to sleep since the drunk was pacified and ordered to sleep by the tanods and brgy captain. But at 2 am I was awakened by footsteps that seem to be walking around the house following the concrete path that rings the outside of our house. There's lights open all around the house as a precaution so i thought I would be able to see the intruder. The footsteps were very audible, and it seems like those dress shoes with heavy hard soles because I can hear each step as it seem to keep passing by below my 2nd floor window. I was afraid for my parent who sleep in a room downstairs. I was wondering if they closed their window or open it like always so the cool breeze can come in. In my mind, I was telling myself that its ok to end up in jail and lose the chance to go to the states if it means protecting my parents. I will kill the neighbor first before he gets to even touch my parents. I got the paltik and slowly opened my window so I can reach out with the gun. I waited for the footsteps to pass by again below me. When I thought he should be right below I pointed the gun down and below while trying to look for a target. Damn! he is not there! That was fast, but wait I still hear the footsteps. I slowly crept down the stairs so I wont awaken my parents. The footsteps are now in the front porch. I saw the middle window is open so again I looked through aiming and looking for target. Nothing! damn it! I then move to the bathroom in the back of the house with the small open window while the footstep is still rounding the corner of the kitchen. I am at the window before he passes by. I here the footstep directly there in front of me now but when I peeked through with the gun, all I felt was a cold/chilly breeze but the footsteps is very loud right there. Then the scary feeling with chills down my spine hit me! Oh man, I ran out of the bathroom and headed for my room upstairs almost slipping on a step or two. I dint mind anymore if I was noisy or not. I locked my door and jump under the covers. I was trembling in fear clutching the paltik trying hard to feel brave. My heart was pounding so hard. The footsteps continued for I don't know how long. All I know was that I was enduring the sound of the footsteps passing by every few minutes for what felt like eternity. I must have fallen asleep exhausted because I woke up the next day still curled up under the sheet in the corner of my bed farthest away from the window. Yes, I was still clutching in my hands the paltik. I asked my parents if they noticed anything last night, but they said they did not notice anything because they were fast asleep courtesy of a nice cool breeze coming through their open window. By the way, when we left Pinas, our drunk neighbor shifted his uncontrolled nasty rage to another neighbor farther down the street. No one knows how he chooses people he picked on. A year after we left, he was killed after showering his target's house with stones. Apparently, someone ambushed him on his way home while still shouting invectives and looking for someone to fight. they pumped him full of .45 lead. A full 7 shots according to the empty shells close to his body. Oh well, can't blame the kapre for that...

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