Compiled Stories 4

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Shared by : Mymnosene

strangely enough, there are also stories of the same faceless floating nun in my old school, who writes on the boards that she's in hell. Is this like an "urban legend" thingy?

another cute nun story (o, at least this time i'm not so closely following my own post  )

in HS, our chapel had a clear glass door facing the main hallway, so that you could see out and the students outside could see into the room. Anyway, whole classes go there to pray the rosary in shifts during October, CL class reflection days, and after recollection sessions. Once, a friend's class was up, and we thought nothing of it as our barkada dropped her off at the chapel after lunch.

So, after classes, we pick her up at her classroom - and guess what? the whole class has a story to tell. While praying, one of their classmates had looked up and screamed. The whole class then looked out of the doorway that led to the hall, and there was this nun, floating and faceless, drifting towards them! The whole class began screeching, and even as they stared at the nun, she floated through the glass doors and then faded! needless to say, they all got down on their knees and prayed the rosary.

ewan ko kung hoax to or what, i wasn't there, e...sayang!


Shared by : the_FLY

When her friends went out to an overnight party...they went to the second floor of the house where they were partying(*note: the house is kinda old)...after a few hours they got bored, and decided to do the spirit of the of them got a one peso coin from his wallet and began chanting some quack ritual...then they began! As they placed their index & middle fingers on the began to move...As it was moving on the glass table they were using one of her friends asked a certain question...they suddenly heard a hoarse voice which appeared out of nowhere said..."Bakit? Sino Ba Kayo/" They immediately retreated from the house!


Shared by : the_FLY

Here's another tale (i just remembered this experience...awhile ago...too bad it ain't as scary as my previous tales): Once again..when i was in Batangas staying with my cousins, we went out then we headed back to their home for we were stressed out! When both me and one of my cousins can't sleep...we headed out the house, where my uncle and his kumpares are gambling...As we both headed back home and stared at the sky...we suddenly saw a flash of very bright light(take note: the surrounding area near their house is pitch black and out of nowhere this brightness came...) then it disappeared when it passed on the vacant lot...Surprisingly, it seems that only the both of us are the witnesses of that unearthly thing...and i'm sure that i'm not hallucinating!


Shared by : Triglyceride

I have a spirit of the coin story..

This girl I went to HS with, told me this tale. This happened in the grade school she went to.

It was homeroom, everyone was doing their own thing...there were 4 kids in her class who decided to mess with the Spirit of the Coin. So they laid out their handmade board on the floor behind at the back part of the classroom and started "playing". No one was really paying attention to them..until one of their classmates took notice of them and let out a scream which caught the attention of the class. When the class checked to see what was goin on, they saw the coin glowing and smoke was coming out from it....all hell broke loose, they all started freakin' out and screaming. Finally a teacher was summoned to check out the chaos. When he/she got into the room, the teacher kicked the coin off the floor and yanked the cartolina board off the the floor...

....but the there was still smoke coming out from the spot where the coin used to be....but eventually the smoke cleared up..but I've always wondered who the heck did those kids call...


Shared by : the_FLY

here's a tale a friend told me:

One morning , that friend of mine and her ate decided to jog early in the morning(maybe about quarter to 5)! Then as they approach the tennis court in our village, they decided to pass by it...suddenly, her older sister saw a dark shadow moving...then to her surprise she saw two dark figures dancing on the tennis court and touching the net...they resemble kids...but they don't look anything human...accroding to my friend...they screamed and ran straight home...What's bugging me is our house is just a few blocks away from the tennis court...

Some more stories about that tennis court:

a neighbor said that...about 8 years ago...when she was strolling at about midnight...she passed by the tennis court then she saw a white she came was a lady dressed in white...that gave her an icy stare...another neighbor told me that one time when there was a brownout...and decided to stroll around the village...he saw a pair of huge, red eyes inside the tennis court...since it was pitch black...those were the only things he saw when he approached the tennis court!

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