Lady Ghost

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Shared by : Jommuel

Hi guys! I've been reading this web site for weeks already and found it really interesting. I had always been curious about the paranormal, so I wanted to share some of my ghost stories as well.

One night, there were some men who were in the house repairing something in the backyard. One of the men decided to overtime and went home around 11pm. All of us were already asleep at that time. He suddenly heard someone, like calling his attention. "Psssssssst". He thought that someone was just mocking him. But as he tried to ignore the sound, it went louder and louder and it called him 3 times. He felt scared and decided to call it a night.

So as he got his bags and walked to the gate, he came across a lady. (A beautiful lady, he commented). He greeted the lady with a smile and a good evening. The lady smiled back and according to him, went straight to my room. He thought that it was just another family member who he hadn't met.

The next day, he was asking my grandmother who the lady was. He then saw a picture at the living room and told my grandmother that that was the lady he saw. As puzzled and as shocked as she was, my grandmother said that it was her daughter (my mother), and that she had passed away for 16 years now.

I was just wondering, why was there an apparition? Does she still have an unfinished business? That kept us thinking until now.

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