Yeh raat hai ya tumhari zulfein khuli hui hain

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No explanation for the title 🙊

Monday began on a glum note for Sameer. The new clients they had signed a deal with few months back, had created a big issue over non receipt of one lot, which got damaged when the truck carrying it met with an accident. Though they had been promised another delivery as soon as the same product was ready, they had gone to the court, and produced papers with forged dates. That was when nanu realised that whole thing was a gimmick of some of their competitor. The accident was also probably caused by them. The clients had given interviews in media, defaming their company. In reaction, several new clients had sent enquiries about their deliveries, and some had cancelled the order too. Production was going on in full swing, to fulfill all orders before promised dates. Everything together had built a web that was taking up all his time, leaving Sameer dead tired both mentally and physically when he went home.

The week swarmed him with too much work, making him extremely busy in office. He had no option but to leave early and reach back home much later than usual time. He didn't let Naina stay late in office... Ayush needed her at home too. Nor did he want nanu to take extra pressure, as he had just recovered. The result was, he had to put in extra hours. He was never averse to hard work, but presently, it was taking away his time that he could have spent with Naina. And that was making him frustrated. But he couldn't involve her in the fiasco.

After the way she had opened up to him over the weekend, he was on cloud nine. He was seeing a completely new side of Naina. She was sharp and smart, he had known... but now he was seeing her witty, loving and to some extent, a spicy playful version. It had left him enchanted. He had expected to get closer to her over next few days, but he hardly got a chance to meet her in office. Even at home, there was an exchange of just a few words, since he was reaching much after dinner time. For meals, he had made arrangement in office, as some of his staff was also working with him.

After what felt like an eternity, when he reached home on Friday night, dead tired, he found Naina sleeping in a seated position on the bed against a pillow, an open book lying on her side, her head at an odd angle. He kept the book aside, and made her lie down comfortably. Though he had asked her to sleep, she tried to stay up waiting for him. When she snuggled into him, he could feel his tiredness seeping away, and he would drift into peaceful slumber. Today, after getting into the quilt with her, he shifted closer and placed an arm around her, feeling her fragrance envelop him as his eyes turned heavy instantly.

It was Saturday morning when Naina woke up to find Sameer sleeping on his stomach beside her, his arm thrown over her waist. Last night, she didn't come to know when she fell asleep, waiting for him. When she had called, he had said that he would be starting shortly. She had no idea when he came back, but now he slept soundly. She admired his sleeping face. His entire forehead was covered with ruffled hair, that reached his eyelids. He liked to keep his hair a little long, and she loved his silky locks. Lifting her hand, she let her fingers touch his hair. It felt amazingly soft. On their own accord, the fingers made way through his dense hair. She loved doing it. As she weaved her fingers, lifting the hair from his forehead, she noticed the slight frown that marked his brows, evidence of his tiredness. She lightly traced her thumb over the lines. A soft mumble erupted from him, though he didn't move. Smiling, she leaned ahead and kissed his forehead. The lines eased, and his lips parted as he hummed, tightening his arm over her waist.

"Shh... so jao. Tumhe rest karna chahiye." She murmured, her fingers moving in his hair.

His lips curled into a smile, making her smile too. But he did not open his eyes, drifting into sleep again. She kept adoring his face. If the stubble added to his ruggedness, his innocent smile made him look so soft. His eyes were hidden, but she could not forget their inky darkness. She could look into his eyes the whole day. For a man, he had really long and thick lashes, that rested on his cheeks. The sharp jawline always made her lose a heartbeat. In fact, everything about him made her heart lose not one, but several beats. Right from his messy hair, to his aristocratic nose to his darkened jaw to his lips that made her break into goosebumps at the memory of their kiss... he made her entire system go mushy. She would not tire of admiring and appreciating him whole day, but now he needed to rest, and if she continued with her revering, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from touching him.

Na Jaane Kyon...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें