Role swap au

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Heyy hope you enjoy

Role swap au

It was a late August afternoon, the sun had already set as Kaiko Nekton made her way back to the arronax, when she saw non other than hammerhead. She smiled as she silently crept towards him, she wanted to know why he was here, what treasure was he hiding.

"Ah Dolos, it's good to see you."

"You too hammerhead, how's the woa treating you?"

While the two began to catch up Kaiko was trying to get a closer look.


'Oh of course nows the time the floor boards give out' Kaiko though as her body hit the water. She had just pulled herself back up,when hammerhead appeared right in front of her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Non of your business Hammerhead."
Kaiko spat through gritted

"You were spying on me weren't you?"

"I said it's non of your business."

Kaiko glared at Hammerhead, before turning around and walking away. It didn't take Kaiko very long to get home, she was barely past the door when Will saw her.

"Are you alright dear?"

"I'm fine," Kaiko replied "I'm gonna go change."

Kaiko didn't wait for Will to respond as she made her way to their bedroom. She made a mental note to interrogate Dolos tomorrow, but for now she was just happy to be home.

Hey I know this one is short sorry I'm a little sick right now so I won't be upload for the next day or so.

Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments, and feel free to use my ideas in your own works!!

Have a great day/night

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