Prank war au

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@SerrianGovender wanted to see Ant so here he is, annoying a pirate.

It was a normal day for Ant, well until he got kidnapped that is. Now he's sitting on a dirty creaky floor, being guarded by mad Madline. It wasn't all bad, he got to annoy the pirates. They made the mistake of leaving him unguarded once and he'd gotten into the vents and messed with there steering, now up was down left was right slow was fast and vice visa. They really weren't happy about it.

Apparently they hadn't learned their lesson, Madline wondered off and Ant was instantly back in the vent, this time he reset their navigation system then turned on all the alarms he could find, every pirate on the sub just wanted to toss the kid but hammerhead was determined to keep him on board. One pirate in particular had had enough. Alana marched down to the holding cell, no one was guarding it because no one could put up with the kid.

"Hello new friend!!"

"I don't want to deal with this, if I leave the door open will you leave?"

"Now why would I do that friend?"

Ant could tell he was annoying the pirate, she looked like she was about to snap.

"I don't get paid enough."

Alana turned and walked away, Ant ran after her.

"Have you ever seen kaiju diju it's amazing, you should watch it, oh and you should watch Rise of the Atomic Monsters, it's so cool."

Ant was enjoying this, the pirate looked like she was going to throw him overboard.

"Have you met Jeffrey he's my fish, and not to brag but he's pretty smart."

The pirate stopped, they were in the moon pool room.

"Grt in your Knight and leave I have to fix all this."

"Nope, I'm staying this is fun."

"... I don't get paid enough."

For the next hour Ant follow her everywhere Alana was tempted to just throw him in the moon pool.

"And then the dinosaur started following me can you believe it?"

Alana had tuned him out a while ago, she had only just tuned back in, 'When did he start talking about dinosaurs' Alana though as she walked down the hall, Ant followed.

"Why won't you leave?"

"This is fun."

Alana though for a moment.

"How'd you feel about pranks?"

Ant smiled.

An hour later and the dark orca was in chaos, Ant and Alana had gone all out. There were glitter bombs behind every door, they'd turned the halls into a slip and slide, they'd even dyed hammerheads beard pink.

Ant and Alana were both kicked off the sub laughing. Kaiko and Will were quick to scoop up their child. Alana said they'd be back in a few hours to plus she could use the peace and quiet.

So Ant has a buddy he can call in to help with the prank war, things are going to get really chaotic really quick.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas.

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