coffee shop au

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Let's gooo!!

Kaiko and Will were driving down to their coffee shop. It was early in the morning and the sun hadn't come up yet, it was snowing quite heavily. Fontaine and Ant were at home they were use to getting ready for school and heading out to the bus stop on their own but Kaiko was sure the schools would be closed. By the time Kaiko and Will got to the coffee shop Fiction was already there, he'd opened and was setting up some equipment.

"Morning guys!" Fiction said cheerily

"Morning Fiction, have you seen Alpheus?"

"No, but he's probably just running late."

Kaiko nodded, Alpheus was new to the Aronnax but Kaiko had already practically adopted him, Fiction had taken to calling Alpeus Kaiko's 'work son'. It wasn't to unusual for Alpheus to be a little late, he had to take the bus and in snow like this they were always late. Kaiko walked into the back while Will helped Fiction finish setting up, as soon as she pasted the threshold a bucket of glue and feathers fell onto her head.


She heard her husband laughing from the counter. She stormed out and flung some of the glue at him.

"Wha- HEYY!!"

the two got into a glue fight while Fiction ducked for cover. By the time Will and Kaiko were done the sun was coming up. They rushed home to get changed while Fiction cleaned up. Almost an hour later Alpheus walked in, he was soaked and covered in snow. Fiction looked at him an blinked a few times.

"My bus was cancelled."

"Go and get changed before the customers get here."

Alpheus nodded and headed towards the bathroom. Not long after he was done the first customer walked in, a regular they'd see almost everyday. Fiction took they order and they chatted for a few minutes while Alpheus made a hot chocolate for the customer and a coffee for himself.

Not long after the guy left Kaiko and Will arrived, Alpheus was immediately grilled by his 'work mum' who wanted to now why he was late. Alpheus tried to lie but Fiction told her that his bus was cancelled.

"You walked here in that snow storm!!"

"I mean I wouldn't call it a snow storm but yea."

"You should have called I would have picked you up!!"

"I forgot my phone."

"Suure you did."

"This is all your fault!" Alpheus yelled turning to Fiction.

Will and Fiction who had been quietly watching the whole ordeal just shook their heads.

"How is this my fault, I know the rules!"

"There are rules!?!"

"Yep, you'll learn as you go along."

"Can't you just tell me?!"

"Where's the fun in that?"

Fiction smiled as he handed Alpheus another coffee. Alpheus sighed and thanked him.

"How many of those have you had today?"

"This is my first one." Alpheus lied.

For once again Fiction called him out on it.

"Liar, you had one when you came in."

Kaiko turned to look at Alpheus again.

"... this is my fifth cup."

"Give me that!" Kaiko said as she snatched the cup.



Their argument was cut short as a wave of customers walked in.

"We'll talk about this later." Kaiko said to Alpheus before turning to the first customer in line.

Alpheus is a coffee addict and Kaiko would constantly yell at him for drinking to much, you can't change my mind

Also did anyone else get bi vibes from Alpheus and Fontaine. The two just radiate bi energy.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now