Ant Benthos au

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Hey guys, this might be the last chapter I write, I hope you enjoy!

Finn was walking down the floating market with Maddy. The two were chatting when suddenly a young boy ran past.


They turned around to see their father charging down the pier.


Finn and Maddy immediately began chasing the kid down.

"Who is this guy?!"

"An idiot!"

The two eventually caught the guy. Finn grabbed him by the back of his hoodie.

"You're in big trouble mister."


"Yell all you want no one's gonna help."

The pair were caught off guard when they were both lifted off the ground.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Alpheus! You came!"

The boy rolled his eyes and dropped Finn and Maddy. He jumped when he heard Hammerhead yell.

"What did you do?!"

"I'll tell you back at the sub LETS GO!!"

The kid darted off soon followed by the older boy.

When the pair got back to Aria Ant did his best to avoid answering Alpheus questions and eventually he just gave up. Ant was good at keeping secrets. A few hours later Alpheus was making dinner when Ant ran holding a treasure map.

"Alpheus, I wanted to surprise you and bring you this treasure but I can't figure it out, can you help?"

Alpheus didn't even know where to begin.



"Did you steal a treasure map from a pirate?"

"Yea! It was awesome!"

"... I need a cup of coffee."

Ant smiled as Alpheus shook his head. After dinner the two spent the afternoon deciphering the map. After a few hours they had a fair idea of where they were going. It was on the other side of the world so the two decided to call it a night. Alpheus promised they could go there tomorrow it was the only way he could get him to sleep.

The next day Ant was practically jumping off the walls. He couldn't wait to go treasure hunting with his older brother. Alpheus in the other hand was already on his third cup of coffee and it wasn't even nine am.

"What do you think the treasure would look like?!"

"I don't know Ant."

"Do you think there will be diamonds, or gold or maybe both?!"

"I couldn't say."

"Di you think maybe it will help us find Lumuria?!"


Alpheus took a long sip of his coffee. Only to fund that it was empty.

"... I'm going to get another coffee."

"Oh great I'll come with you!"

Alpheus wanted to scream bit just nodded. He loved his little brother but he could be a little much at times.

"Oh do you think we could find my parents."

"... I don’t know Ant."

".. do you think they miss me?"

Alpheus looked over at his little brother.

"Of course they do, why do you ask?"

"I just... never mind, let's get you some coffee!"

Ant smiled.

"Ok, if that's what you want."

"...can I have some-"

"No never."

The last thing Alpheus needs in his life is a little brother who's had to much caffeine.

Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed my book. This was fun!

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