date crashing au

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Part two of the last chapter. Enjoy.

When Fontaine and Finn got out of the trees they spent a good twenty minutes looking for Alana, they eventually found her sitting on a park bench.

"Hello Alana."

"Oh hi Finn."

"Who are you waiting on?"

"Oh I'm waiting on my da- FRIEND I mean friend, they're running a little late."

Alana smiled nervously. Finn and Fontaine looked at eachother and then back to Alana, neither one bought it.


Alana quickly tried to change the subject.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well we were having a date."

"Aww did something happen." Alana mocked

"Shut up Alana." Finn snapped "why did you even bring them."

"Maddy asked me too."

Fontaine smirked.

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with your date?"

Alana immediately got defensive she insisted that she wasn't on a date, Fontaine and Finn weren't buying it.

"Who's your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Then who are you waiting on?"

Alana sighed, she finally excepted defeat.

"... fine on a date, happy now?"

"Who are you going out with, I need to have a talk with him."

Alana looked like she was about to punch Finn, but she controlled her rage and Finn face remained unpunched.

"I don't try to stab Fontaine every time I see her, so please don't threatened my date."

"Do I know him, is he a pirate?"

"Yes there a pirate, no you haven't met."

Finn started to thing of everyone it could be, it had to be someone from the floating market but Alana talks to a lot of people. Finn listed off a few names and Alana shot down each one. Finn was just about to give up when a girl walked up, Finn had seen her a few times on the floating market but they'd never talked.

"Hi Alana!" The girl said excitedly

Alana stands up and goes to hug her when Finn pushes past.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Veronica, who are you?"

Fontaine pushed past Alana to talk to Veronica.

"I'm Fontaine and this is Finn, it's nice to meet you."

Veronica seemed to recognise the name.

"Ohhh, Alana told me about you two. Anyway," Veronica pushes past Finn and Fontaine to talk to Alana. "are you ready for our date? I thought we could check out this new coffee shop."

Alana freezes she looks nervously over to Finn.

"Wait you two are..."


Fontaine was about to say something when she was dragged away by Ant, he pulled her a little further down the path.

"What do you want Ant."

"Can you maybe not make a big deal about this, Alana didn't want anyone to know she was gay."

"How did you even kno- you know what doesn't matter, I'm gonna talk to her."

"Please don't embarrass her."

"I think it's a little late for that." Fontaine said as she looked over to the group

Finn and Maddy were both hugging Alana, she looked rather uncomfortable. Veronica who was standing a few steps back, looked like she was about to laugh. Alana eventually managed to wiggle her way out of the hug she grabbed Veronica's hand and they ran off. Finn shouted after them.


Ant slapped a hand over his mouth.


Finn licked his hand and Ant pulled his hand back in disgust.


Ant sighed and looked at Maddy, she looked just as embarrass, the two came to a silent agreement not to let there older siblings embarrass Alana any further.

And thats where I'm gonna leave it for now.

Anytime couple A goes on a date, couple B trys to spy on or embarrass couple A, while couple C trys to stop couple B

I have officially burnt out, I probably won't upload for a while unless something gets suggested

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now