werewolf au

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Time to find out what happened to Alpheus! Also happy St Patrick's day!!

Ant didn't know what to do. The wolf was staring right at him. They stood there in silence for a few minutes before the wolf dropped Alpheus' helmet and started walking towards a bridge. Ant panicked and ran around trying to find a way out. He eventually found a tunnel and ran down it as fast as he could. Ant could hear the wolf following him, they were getting closer. Ant turned around to see where the wolf was, but they were gone. He let out a sigh of relife, unfortunately he didn't realise he was heading towards an unstable part of the tunnels.

He was caught off guardwhen the floor and ceiling started collapsing. He was about to be fall through the floor when a set of jaws grabbed him. He was dragged backwards away from the cavein. When the wolf let go Ant took off as fast at he could. The wolf ran after him. Ant didn't know where any of the tunnels were leading him so when he saw moon light he immediately headed down the tunnel.

He ended up a few miles from the Aronnax he was exhausted from the long run. He collapsed onto the floor for a few minutes to catch his breath. He heard the wolf howl again. They were nearby. The entire way back he felt like he was being watched, he swore the wolf was still there watching him. When he could finally see the Aronnax again Ant felt relieved. He ran as fast as he could and as soon as he got to the beach he was back in his human form.

He grabbed a rebreather and swam to the moon pool.


Kaiko and Will had been waiting in the moon pool for him and were both there to pull him out.

"Ant what's wrong?"

"T-the wolf! It-it !"


"It- it. His helmet a-and blood!"

"Ant calm down take a breath, tell us what happened."

"The wolf, I-I think it hurt Alpheus."

"Did you see him?"

"No, b-but the wolf h-had his helmet. It was shattered and there was blood."

Will looked up a Kaiko.

"Ant, go to bed we'll go check it out."

"NO! Please it's dangerous!"

"We'll be careful Ant. Now go to bed."

The wolf started walking back to his cave now that he was sure Ant had made it home safe. He'd cut his paw on the broken helmet and it was really starting to hurt. When he got there it je was surprised to hear voices coming from inside. The Nektons voices.

The wolf crept inside were he noticed a communicator on the ground. He sniffed it a few times. It was definitely Ant's.

"Fontaine, keep an eye on your brother. Me and your father are going out."

"Going out, where?"

"We're looking for the wolf, we'll be back soon don't worry."


Alpheus thought as he changed back into his human form while reaching down and picking up Ant's communicator

'Things just got interesting.'

Alpheus and Ant's reactions to seeing eachother are as follows.


Alpheus: ... what's that idiot doing.

I think I'm gonna do another chapter on the guardian au next.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now