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You know when I said Alpheus only had the one dragon, I lied. Here's a collection of some of the dragons that Alphues has encountered

Alpheus and Kai were walking through an old forests, many of the trees there were dead or dying. He was about to turn around and leave when Kai's ears perked up and she bolted.


Alpheus lost sight of Kai pretty quickly, he looked for her for what must have been an hour before heading back to his submarine, he figured she would find her own way home.

He was sitting in his living room reading when Aria told him Kai had returned, with another dragon. When Alpheus got out there, he saw a baby dragon asleep on Kai's back, it was a dull yellow with orange markings and blue patterns on its wings.

"Where did you even find them."

Kai waged her tail and licked Alpheus' face.

"Ack, no stop that!"

Alpheus let Kai bring the little dragon inside, he named the dragon Melody after its love of music. He figured this would be a one time thing, he was very wrong.

Less than a week later Kai and Alpheus were exploring an island when they came across a beached sculdron. Kai and Alpheus walked up to the dragon, their scales were starting to dry out, Kai and Alpheus managed to get the sculdron back into the water, Alpheus expected the dragon to immediately swim away but he didn't, Alpheus realise that he must be injured so he got his submarine and loaded the scauldron who he had named Ryu into the moon pool room.

Alpheus did some x-rays and found out Ryu had a broken wing. Alpheus made a splint to set the wing and a week later Ryu was doing much better. When Alpheus tried to release Ryu, he refused to go, he followed Alpheus' sub for miles until Alpheus gave up and let him in board. Alpheus now had 3 dragons chilling on his sub.

Literally two days later Kai walked in with a baby skrill.

"Where are all these dragons coming from?!"

Alpheus had to admit the skrill was adorable (he named him sparkey) but he was getting very concerned, he'd only ever seen one dragon before he'd met Kai and now she keeps bringing them home. Alpheus hated to admit it but me might need to put Lumuria on hold until he figured out where to put all these dragons.

It had been a year since they found Melody and she was all grown up, they found out she was something called a death song, they were well known for their Amber attacks and their songs witch were said to hypnotise dragons and humans alike, but Melodys song rarely seemed to effect dragons Alpheus thought it was due to being raised around other dragons bit he was never really sure. Now that Melody had grown up she started to help Kai bring dragons back to Alpheus' sub, at this point he had a whole army who loved him, a few dragons would leave after Alpheus helped them but many would stay and protect their new friends.

Alpheus knew he'd have to draw the line eventually, he just didn't think it would be today.


There was a giant white dragon, it had a long snake like body with a red tip and eyes.


Alpheus later learned that it was called a screaming death, it was a subspecies of the whispering death and it could in fact fit on the sub. He named her snow ball, she was surprisingly cuddly.

Alpheus was spending some time in Canada, it was a cold night and he was out for a walk when he found a speed stinger, he knew they were typical aggressive but this one walked right up to him, he was actually quite friendly, when the rest of the pack came along they also seemed to like Alpheus, there was only 6 of them and Alpheus didn't know how they'd made it this long. After an hour Alpheus made his way back to his sub, the pack of speed stingers came along.

Alpheus was woken up by sparkey chewing on his arm, he was teething and it was getting a little annoying.

"Can I have my arm back sparkey?"

Sparkey responded by dropping his arm and running off. Alpheus sighed as he rolled out of bed, when he got into the hall way he was met by a gronkel and a nadder that definitely weren't there yesterday.


Kai was sitting at the end of the hall smiling, he named them sharp shot and crystal, they were super sweet, they didn't stay long, just until their injuries were healed.

Today had be quite, Alpheus was getting worried it wasn't like the dragons to be quite. He walked down towards Kai's room to find everyone gathering round, there were 6 eggs of all shapes and sizes, it looked like they were protecting them.

"... I'm not even going to ask.

The eggs were all from different species, there was a terrible terror, Alpheus name them trouble, a monstrous nightmare, Alpheus named thunder, a zipped back, Alpheus named them zip and zap, a stormcutter Alpheus named him clover, a razorwhip Alpheus names zoe and a change wing he named coco. Alpheus knew they were staying he didn't really care, Kai had dragged in a lot worse plus they were really cute.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed

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