Ant Benthos au

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I got some inspiration for the Ant some how ends up in the guardians and is now Alpheus' brother au. Enjoy!!!

It was late in the afternoon, Ant was exited to show Alpheus the drawing he'd made of his submarine. He couldn't find Alpheus anywhere he eventually went to go ask Nereus if he'd seen him. When he got to hallway right before Nereus' study he heard yelling. He crept closer so he could listen. He heard Nereus yelling.


Ant was confused, why was Alpheus banished what happened. He kept listen hoping to get more answers. That's when he heard Protues.

"You have until sunrise to pack your things and go."


"No buts and don't do even think about talking to Ant before you go, he doesn't need you."

Ant wanted to rush in there and punch him, that was his brother in there.

"But he's-"

"No buts Alpheus, now go!"

Ant ran off, he had to pack. When he got to his room he grabbed an old bag from under his bed. He grabbed some clothes out of his draws and stuffed them in his bag. He then ran down down the hall to find Alpheus' sub. When he got to there he opened the doors and snuck onboard he walked down the hallways until he reached one of the bed rooms, it was Alpheus', he hid his stiff under the bed. Once he'd hidden his bag he heard a the air locks open. He climbed under the bed he knew if Alpheus found him he'd send him back. He heard the engines start and felt the sub start moving.

He didn't remember falling asleep but he remembers waking up to the sound of Alpheus voice.

"Stupid Nereus, stupid Protues, stupid EVERYTHING!"

He saw Alpheus kick the bed post before flopping down on the bed.

"I agree, Protues is stupid."

There was a few seconds of silence before he heard Alpheus sit up.


Ant pulled himself out from under the bed.


Alpheus stared at him for a few seconds. Before he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Hey where are you going!"

"I'm turning us around and heading back."

"What why!?"

"Because you shouldn't be here, you should be with the guardians!"

"But your my brother!"

Alpheus stopped walking.

"Ant it's for the best ok, you need to stay with the guardians."

Ant grabbed Alpheus arm and refused to let go.

"If you're not a guardian then I don't wanna be one either, I'm staying!"

"You're nine Ant, you don't get to make these decisions."

"You promised! You said we'd stick together no matter what!! Liar!"

"I'm not a liar Ant."

Alpheus sighed and looked down at Ant. Ant looked up at him. They were both having a staring conversation, it was how they settled all their arguments. Ant won by stepping on Alpheus' toes.



"YOU'RE JUST SALTY CAUSE YOU LOST!!" Ant teased before running down the hall towards the kitchen.


Alpheus swore that he'd leave Ant back to the guardians eventually, he really meant to, but Ant always came up with a new reason to stay and if he couldn't think of one he'd make one up. After a few months Alpheus accepted that Ant was staying, it wasn't like he really wanted Ant to leave anyway.

Ant is gonna have so much fun, Alpheus basically let's him get away with anything because he's still a kid too and doesn't really know what to do.

Ant still has his shadow Knight in this au, it looks pretty much the same, and he still has Jeffrey because it's Jeffrey. He also likes messing with the Nektons mainly Fontaine, he doesn't try to steal the Ephemycron or anything he just wants to annoy them.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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