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Time for a Nekton to meet Alpheus!

The Nektons were flying back to their camp. They'd spent the day saving dragons from Viggo's hunters. They were only a few miles away when a storm came out of nowhere.

"The storms to rough to fly through!"

"We can't stop here! We're in Viggo's territory."

"I can't see anything!"

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck right in front of Fontaine. Her dragon was spooked and she fell off and down into the sea.



The Nektons searched for hours but they couldn't find a trace of her and the storm was getting worse. The Nektons had no choice but to go back to their camp and resupply.

It was late at night, Alpheus was doing a final patrol before he went to bed. He'd seen a lot of dragons lately and did want to take any chances. He decided to head back but Kai wouldn't go. She dived down to the beach were a young girl had washed up. He cautiously walked towards her. 

"Hey, are you ok?"

The girl mumbled and started shaking. Alpheus sighed he didn't know if he could trust her or not, but she was just a kid. Kai sniffed her a few times then wrapped her wing around her.

"That settles it, let's get her back to out base shall we?"

When they got back Alpheus set the girl down on his bed. He grabbed an old bag blanket and lay down beside Kai.

When Fontaine woke up it was bright outside. She sat up and looked around, she realised very quickly that this was not her camp. She jumped out of bed and regretted it almost immediately. Her head was pounding and she was dizzy. She walked forward and suddenly tripped, she was surprised when a white dragon.

"Oh, hello there."

The dragon cooed then pulled her back to the bed. Fontaine was still cold and shivering, the dragon didn't seem to like this and walked over to a pile of blankets in the corner. She grabbed the blanket and started pulling it, that's when Fontaine noticed the boy under the blanket.

"Kai nooo, you don't need a blanket."

The dragon growled and kept trying to drag the blanket away from him.


Kai whacked him over the head with her tail.

"Owww! What was that for!"

Kai let out a little roar and dragged the blanket over to Fontaine.

"Oh you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Where am I?"

"An island, its about a three day north of berk, why?"

"I-, there was a storm I need to find my family, I need to find my dragon!"

"You need to calm down, I'll help look but you need to eat first."

"No! I have to find her!"

"After you eat. Kai keep an eye on her I'll go make breakfast."

At that moment and Zippleback ran in, followed by a Changewing.

"I'm coming I'm coming."

The boy walked out and they quickly followed. Fontaine had noticed the saddle on Kai's back, she had an idea.

"Hey Kai, do you want to go for a fly?"

Kai growled.

"Oh come on please, what if it was your human out there!"

Kai seemed to think it over for a second before allowing Fontaine to climb onto her back.

"Thank you, I promise you can come back as soon as I find my family."

Kai cooed then walked out. Once outside she realised that the boys house was on the edge of a cliff. Kai jumped of and started flying up into the air.

"Thanks Kai... how mad is your human going to be when he realises."

That's when they heard a loud yell from the island.


Kai looked up at Fontaine and cooed.

"I'm sorry, do you need to go back?"

Kai looked down and Fontaine noticed the boy was on a timber jack.

"Oh he looks mad."

Kai landed on a sea stack and waited for her human to catch up. When he landed he quickly jumped off the timber jack and walked over.

"Kai! You can't fly away! You didn't even bring anything, what if she got hungry or hurt!"

Kai whimpered then looked up and Fontaine.

"I'm sorry, you're not mad at me for stealing your dragon?"

"No, Kai does what she wants when she wants there is no force on earth that can stop her, but she should think things through!"

Kai huffed then looked at Fontaine.

"Fine. We will go find her family, happy now!"

The boy shoved some bread into Fontaine's hands then climbed onto Kai's back. He could already tell it was going to be a long week.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now