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This is Fontaine and Ant's back story. This will be up until they met Finn Alana and Maddy.

Ant had always been different. Atleast that's what Fontaine thought. While her eyes had been green like a earth bender, Ant's eyes had been gray. It seemed impossible. Her parents had been sure Ant would be an earth bender or a fire bender but as the years went on he showed no signs of either. One day while they were eating dinner, Fontaine and Ant were having a food fight. Fontaine had chucked some rice at and face when it was suddenly stopped in mid air. Ant moved his arms and the rice was flung back in Fontaine's face. Everyone was silent.

The next day the Nektons packed their bags and set off for the earth kingdom. They hoped to find somewhere safe from the fire nations grip. They decided to explore some of the air temples hoping that they could find something to teach Ant with. They found a few scrolls and as the years went on Ant had all but memorised them. He new every move and very form bit he was never allowed to use them when other people were around. He was a little upset l, he just didn't understand why Fontaine could bend with her friends and he couldn't. One day Ant went behind his parents back and showed a friend of his his bending. His friend immediately told his parents and less than an hour later the fire nation army came knocking at their door.


"Hello Mrs Nekton. We've heard reports that your son has been seen air bending."

"What, no Ant's a non bender."

"Mrs we're going to have to come inside."

Kaiko locked eyes with the man and sent out a powerful blast of fire.


Fontaine didn't hesitate she grabbed her brother by the arm and bolted for the back door. They didn't stop running until the village was long out of sight. They only stopped for a few minutes to catch their breath, Fontaine knew they couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe so they started making their way to the neighbouring village. When they got their there were already wanted posters of them.

"Oh no Fontaine, what are we gonna do? We don't have any money or anything!"

Fontaine was thinking when and old lady dropped her coin bag. Fontaine considered giving it back but the two had been walking all night and really needed food. So she walked over and grabbed the purse off the ground. The two managed to get some food from a small vendor then went looking for supplies. They got some sleeping bags and a small pot as well as a bag of rice and some bread. The two left as soon as possible. Fontaine was only fourteenth she didn't know what she was doing but she knew she had to keep her brother safe.

The pair ended up turning to a life of crime, they'd steal from the rich or the fire nation, people who wouldn't miss it.  They'd been luck for the last few years and never gotten caught until one night Fontaine got sloppy and was caught off guard when she was grabbed.

She was shoved into a jail cell beside a random girl. The cell was made of wood so Fontaine couldn't bend her way out.

"Hello there."  Fontaine said awkwardly.

"Hi, quick question can you fight?"


"Can you fight?"


"Great, follow my lead!"

The girl then stood up and pulled out a small knife. She easily picked the lock and the fighting began. The girl did most of the work she was an impressive fighter.


The two bolted out the door and into the forest where they caught their breath.

"I'm Fontaine and you are?"

"Alana, its nice to meet you."

Fontaine and Ant are still kinda looking for their parents but are mainly just trying to survive.

Should I do Finn and Maddy next or Alana let me know in the comments!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now