my OC's

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I figured I should give you a run down on my OC's saying as I didn't go into much detail at the moment I have 2 OC's


She is 18 and they met Alpheus when she was rescuing a dragon, they take care of all the dragons Alpheus finds and the babys that always seem to find them. She has black hair and tan skin, she has green eyes, she is a little taller than Alpheus. She is usually very calm unless you threatened her friends or her dragons


They are 17 and works on the dark orca they are an extremely skilled engineer and is the only thing keeping the sub a flout. They don't really like anyone who's not a part of the dark orca, they are no longer allowed with Ant after what became known as the pink beard incident. They are about Finn's hight has black hair and blue eyes, they are very pale on a count of living underwater. They are fairly easy to annoy and will always get their revenge on way or another

Heyy guys I'm sorry but I'm gonna be taking a little break I've been feeling really burnt out lately I should be back in a few days tho.

Thanks for reading please let me know what you think and what you'd like to see next.

Have a good day/night

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