Alpheus Nekton au

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Heyy I got bored, so enjoy. Idk how to do warnings but basically Alpheus got abandoned and has a new family now.

This was the last thing Kaiko expected to happen today.

Kaiko and Will had heard rumours that Dolos had come into possession of a Lumuria artefacts so they decided to take a look. Fontaine and Ant were still to young to be left alone so William decided to say with them.

The Kaiko disliked the floating black market, she found it creepy, Dolos' boat wasn't much better. She must have waited for 20 minutes before Dolos finally appeared.

As it turns out the entire trip was a waste of time, Dolos didn't have any Lumuria artefacts, they'd come all this was for nothing. She started to walk back to the solar ski, it was getting dark, most of the pirates had already left so the market was quieter than usual.

She was almost back when she saw a kid, all alone out here. She started to make here way towards him slowly, she didn't wanna scare the kid.

"Hi there," Kaiko said softly "are you ok?"
The boy shook his head.
"Ok, can you tell me where your parents are?"

Kaiko wasn't surprised when the boy started crying, 'he's probably lost.' She thought.

"M-my mum left me here, she said she didn't want m-me."

Kaiko could feel anger boiling beneath her skin, like a volcano about to explode.

'When I find them I swear.'
Kaiko took a deep breath, before rapping her arms around the small boy.

"Hey its ok, your ok." She whispered.

A few minutes later the boy had stopped crying, but he was still clinging onto Kaiko tightly.

"Come on, its far to cold out here, let's get you warmed up."

The boy nodded and grabbed onto Kaiko's hand as she lead him towards the solar ski.

Will had just put the kids to bed when his comm went off.

"Hey Will, do we have anything that would fit and 8 year old?"

'What has she done now.' Will thought

"Yes we do, why?"

"I'll tell you when we get back."


Five minutes later Kaiko arrived, with a child. William didn't even ask just got the kids some clothes and something to eat.

"So what's your name?" Will asked


"Well Alpheus, I think it's time you go to bed."


William lead Alpheus down the hall to on of their guest rooms, while Kaiko called the WOA.

"Hello Kaiko."


"Why are you calling."

"Well, I was on the floating market and may have found a kid and I don't know what to do."

The Commanders sighed.

"Stay where you are, I'll send a sub for pick up."

"What? No, we're keeping him."

"Kaiko, that's kidnapping."

"You call it kidnapping I call it surprised adoption."

The two continued back and forth until Pyrosome finally gave in.

"Fine, fine you can keep the child but you'll have to make sure you get the adoption papers sighed and approved within the month."

With that Pyrosome ended the call. Kaiko smiled to her self, 'looks like I need to order a new wet suit.'

Yea I feel like Alpheus' mum might have sucked, cause we never heard about her in the show.
Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas

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