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@DanielleHarris402 suggested this hope you enjoy.

"Now I'm only going out for an hour, while I'm out you two need to be on your best behaviour."

"Finn I'm older than you, stop acting like your my mother."

"Last time I left you alone you plotted world domination."

"We plotted it, we didn't actually do anything."

"Maddy, Alpheus could hack the white House if he wanted to."

"I have actually hacked the white house."

"Case and point."

"Ok ok, I promise we won't try to take over the world."


"Yes yes now go."

Five minutes later Alpheus and Madline were board.

"We should get more cats."

"We really should."

Alpheus and Madline arrived at the animal shelter at 2 am. The workers were giving them the weirdest looks.

"We'd like to foster some cats please."

"Sure how many are you looking for?"

"How many do you have?"

Maddy and Alpheus walked out with 14 kittens and 6 puppies.

"Hey Alpheus?"


"Do you know a guy called Dolos?"

After feeding and cleaning the puppies and the kittens. They walked out onto the floating black market, spray paint, tissue paper and glue in hand. They spent hours painting rainbows and unicorns onto the side of the boat, then they covered the deck in glue and tissue paper.

"I wish I could be here to see him wake up."

"Yea but we gotta go prank Daniel, we're on a very tight schedule."

Alpheus was so proud he was almost crying, Maddy had asked Alpheus how he hacked Daniels system, together they had completely destroyed Daniel's entire system, and now just to add salt to the wound, they were hooking up glitter bombs everywhere and setting up alarm clocks in every corner of the ship.

"Let's get out of here before he wakes up."

"Yea Finn would be pretty mad if we got arrested."

"He'd probably leave us there."

"Come on we need to name the puppies and the kitties."

"I'm coming Maddy."

They named the kittens, Carlos a calico, Francis a gray cat, Jennifer a brown tabby, Ben a white and black cat, Jay a black cat with a J on his noise, June a ginger, Oliver brown with green eyes, Olivia same as Oliver, captain meow meow another calico, s'more white and brown, Freddo brown cat, Alphie all black (Maddy named him cause he's angry all the time and hisses when anyone trying to pet him), Lemon he's gray and Lily a white cat.

The dogs named were luna, Lucy, Sophie, deigo, harmony who were all black labs from the same litter and Kai a fluffy white husky with blue eyes who Alpheus immediately called dibs on.

An hour later they were waiting for Finn when Alpheus decided to move the puppy's so he had them all in a box. Of course this is when Finn came home.

"Hey Finn, umm what would you if we say brought home 6 puppies?"

"What's in the box Alpheus?"


"Alpheus, what's in the box?"

"I think you know."

Alpheus wants all the animals, I had to put Kai in here somewhere and I think a husky is perfect.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas.

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now