Monumental Kidnapping

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Monumental kidnapping part two here we go! Enjoy!

"Ok Nereus, we won't get Alpheus."

"Very well. I'm going to check something in the Cronical of the Deep."

As soon as Nereus left all eyes turned to Kaiko.

"Where not seriously going to just leave Alpheus alone?"

"Of course no. Ant have your monumentals track Alpheus down. Once they find him we can keep an eye on him."

Ant smiled then sent the turtle to find him. The Nektons of course followed them. A few hours later Alpheus submarine came into view.

"Right so what's the plan?"

"Ant hide the turtle if Alpheus see them he might run off before we cam talk to him."

Ant nodded and directed the turtle into a trench nearby.

"Will can you keep Nereus distracted?"

"I'll try."

"And Fontaine go make sure Finn and Madline are alright."

"What about me?"

"You and me are going over to Alpheus' sub to check on him."

Ant nodded. All the Nektons got up and split off, Fontaine headed down to Finn and Maddy's rooms they were both asleep witch made Fontaine's job easier. Will found Nereus in the study, Will decide that asking Nereus about any memories he had of Lumuria would keep him distracted for a while

Meanwhile Kaiko and Ant had gotten into their Knight. Ant was in stealth mode and the plan was to have Kaiko draw Alpheus and Arias attention while Ant snuck in through the moon pool. When they got to the submarine Kaiko headed up to the bridge window. She saw Alpheus fast asleep on his chair.

"Hello Kaiko."

"Oh hi Aria, why's Alpheus sleeping on his chair?"

"He was going through his map data again and fell asleep."

Kaiko was looking at Alpheus, he was shivering.

"Is he ok?"

"Yes, why do you ask."

"He's shivering, is he sick?"

"I'm not sure... sensor indicate that Alphues has a fever sensor also indicate that Antaeus Nekton is attempting to break in."

"Oh well we uh, we just want to make sure Alpheus is ok."

"Very well, you can both come onboard."

Kaiko went round to the air lock and it opened letting her inside. She climbed out of her Knight then made her way to the bridge. When she got there Alpheus was sort of awake his fever had left him fairly out of it.

"Hey Alpheus how are you feeling?"


"Ok, well why don't we get you to bed?"

Kaiko helped Alpheus up off his chair and started walking down the hall towards his room. On they way there they ran into Ant.

"Is he ok?"

"He's just sick, I'm going to take him to bed could you go get him some water and something to eat?"

"Of course, Aria Where's the kitchen?"

"Three doors down and to your left."

"Thank you!"

Ant walk off down the hall way and was soon out of sight.

When Kaiko finally got Alpheus to bed she was exhausted, she had to drag Alpheus most of the way. She laid him down in the bed and covered him with a blanket. She then walked over to Alpheus' desk and grabbed a chair, she pulled the chair over beside Alpheus' bed and sat down. She started thinking of how in the world she was going to explain this to Nereus.

The Nektons are just gonna stuff Nereus in a closet so he can't call the woa

I'm working on a chapter for the Ghost hunter au and the blind Alpheus au. Witch one do you guys wanna see first?

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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