Alpheus Nekton au

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I haven't done one of these in a while. You know the way Produes hired Hernandez to steal the piece of the Ephemycron, what if he hired him to do more.

The Nektons had recently been trashed with raising the reck of the minurva, Ant and Fontaine were working on the rover hoping to use it to make the retrieval of the art works easier. Alpheus was taken by surprise when the woa showed up. The woa accused the Nektons of stealing the minurva Kaiko and Will were not happy about that. When Captain Hernandez found the child with Kraken painting Alpheus knew it was going to be a bad day.

Alpheus was separated from his siblings, he was kept in a small storage closet far from the rest of his family. There was two guards posted outside his door he knew there was no way he could escape. Less than an hour had past when Commander Pyromosome barged in demanding to know where his siblings were.


The Commander left quickly after releasing Alpheus had nothing to do with it.

An hour must have past before Alpheus heard sirens, he asummed his parents had also escaped. It wasn't long before Captain Hernandez walked in.

"Alpheus Nekton you are under arrest, come with me I will be escorting you back to the woa head quarters."

Alpheus didn't argue, he knew there was no point. Captian Hernandez lead him onto a small sub, he was then cuffed to a pipe to make sure he didn't escape. They had been travelling for a little over a minute when he saw the piece of the Ephemycron in Hernandez's bag.

"You! What are you doing with the Ephemycron!?"

Hernandez smilled.

"I was hired by a man, he asked me to bring him your piece of the Ephemycron, he also asked that I bring you with me. He said you could be useful."

Thats when Alpheus started to feel afraid, that's when he knew he wasn't getting put of this.

With the Nektons.

Kaiko and Will had finally convinced the Commander that they were innocent. They were just about to join there kids when a guard walked in.

"Commander Pyromsome, Captain Hernandez is taking the prisoner back to headquarters."

"What prisoner?"

"Alpheus Commander, Hernandez said you approved."

Kaiko's stomach dropped, she looked at Will.

"I never approved anything."

"The last call received was coming from here," Will said pointing to the map. "That could be where he's heading."

"Let's go."

Fontaine and Ant were trying to escape Croger and his men when Hernandez joined the fight.

"I've got the Ephemycron and the boy."

"The brats stole the other piece don't let them get away!!"

Before Ant could think he rammed into the side of Hernandez sub. The engine immediately cut out. Alpheus watched Hernandez slam his fist onto the dash before yelling at his men to stop his siblings. Alpheus knew Ant and Fontaine he knew they'd be alright.

When Hernandez released he couldn't get the engines running again he knocked Alpheus out and dragged him aboard, Fontaine noticed Alpheus to late. Ant and Fontaine tried to chase him down but the sub was to fast.

And I shall leave it here.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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