Pirate au x Httyd au

118 6 581


Alpheus was walking away from some ruins. Hammerhead had wanted to check them out for treasure. They didn't find anything. He was just about to head back to the dark orca when he was something moved in a bush. Alpheus wanted a closer look. He found a small light fury they were shaking. He gently picked them up and wrapped his jacket around them.

When he made it back to the dark orca Alana was waiting.

"Hey Alana...what would you say if I brought home a dragon?"

"... what's in your jacket Alpheus?"


"What is in your jacket Alpheus!"

"I think you know."

"Hammerhead is going to kill you!"

"Not if you don't tell him."

Alpheus pulled back his jacket and showed her the baby. The dragon looked up at her and cooed.

"How can you say no to that face?"

Alana groaned

"Fine, I'll help you hide them, whats their name."

"Her name is Kai."

They managed to sneak Kai onboard undetected. They hid her in Alpheus' room. Alana ended up letting Kai have a few of her blankets but she shouldn't have bothered. Kai ended up sleeping curled up next to Alpheus. At first they both thought she just wanted to be near him but after a few weeks they notice that Kai couldn't seem to keep herself warm. Alpheus went out and bought her an electric blanket after that Kai still slept on Alpheus' bed but she'd always cuddle up in her eclectic blanket when Alpheus was busy.

They'd managed to hide Kai for almost six months but she was getting bigger. She'd be a lot more active during the day. She'd often leave her room looking for Alpheus. They were extremely lucky that she hadn't been spotted yet. That was until Alpheus was working on the engines with Finn. Kai decided to pay Alpheus a visit.

".... Alpheus."


"Don't move."

"What? Why?"

"There's a dragon above you."

Alpheus looked up and saw Kai sat on a pipe. Alpheus sighed.

"Come here Kai."

He held out his arms and Kai glided down to him.

"Finn, meet Kai."

Finn was shocked. His dad had told him stories about dragons, they were killers but here was a dragon and she wasn't like the ones in those stories.

"Um he-hello?"

Kai jumped forward and landed on his shoulder. She cooed then started whacking his hair with her paw. Finn laughed.

"How long have you had a dragon?"

"About six months."



Finn ended up spending most of the day playing with Kai. Alpheus didn't mind he and Alana both had work to do so they needed someone to distract her for a few hours. When Alpheus had finally fixed the engines he walked into his room only to find Kai asleep ontop of Maddy.

".... when did Maddy get here?"

"She wanted to see a dragon so I figured you wouldn't mind."

"She's so cute!" Maddy said while scratching Kai's head.

"Yea yea, don't tell Hammerhead."

The door suddenly bust open. They looked over and saw Alana she was panting, she had twigs and leaves all tangled up in her hair and she was holding a baby dragon.

"..... you need a shower."

"Shut the f*ck up."

She sat the baby down next to Maddy.

"What's their name?"

"TRIPOD!" Alana yell as she stormed out.

We've got a small army of dragon obsessed lunatics

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now